
Monday, November 13, 2017

Latest Parasite Update Video - Leg Sores, Tingling Limbs, UTI and More

I don't do parasite updates often as I know it bothers friends and family as I don't have a cure, it is just a reminder that I (or we) have it and can't do anything about it.

However, as the situation gets worse, I feel the need to update the information about this since I am the only known case in the United States to my knowledge so I feel it is my responsibility to post new symptoms and situations as they come up so there is documentation about this parasite.

The parasite is Horsehair Nematomorpha and my diagnosis is a "Gordian" which all horsehair parasites are not. Several of the diagnosed in Asia are darker in color and are a different sub species but there have been others with the Gordian diagnosis.

With that, I have updated on this latest video my new symptoms and some thoughts and discoveries I have had. I don't have a cure yet but have found ways to help keep the rashes down and have newer symptoms of tingly arms and legs that feel like they are coming awake after they fall asleep.

I had a guy write me before I even did my first video asking me if I had tingling in my leg and he was the first to give me a description of the parasite and what it looks like. He had the tingling in one of his legs. I now have it in my legs and arms to some extent with my lower left leg being the worst but I have also had leg sores which I thought was a spider bit at first. Here is the post about that.

The leg seemed to get better and a month later, BAM, rash again and worse than ever. It was cleared up so I think it is the parasite coming out and laying eggs like it did on the arms. I think it may have caused a staff infection bringing bacteria with it from burrowing in the colon perhaps.

The weird thing is that Princess Two had the same sore on her same leg while she was on her mission so I think that maybe there is a reason that the parasite picks that area to burrow out. Here is a link to the post about her sore on the leg. I wish now that I had taken a picture of mine when it was at that stage. It oozed for a day or two and then I tried to use peroxide to kill it off and it just spread even more with the peroxide. I thought I may have shingles as it was so oozy and burning but I don't think that now.

I tried zinc ointment, antibiotic ointment and all sorts of essential oil combinations and anything wet, including oils caused it to spread. I was on antibiotics for a urinary tract infection and it didn't clear up with those antibiotics either. 

The only thing that worked was putting diatomaceous earth on it to keep it dry. It wasn't until it was nearly cleared up that I figured out that I could use a few drops of Lugols Iodine on it rubbed in and then putting diatomaceous earth over that rubbed in. It cleared up faster after that. You can see in the picture above the iodine picture that the leg looks good now.

I can feel a parasite coming to that area every so often but it seems that the combo of the iodine and powder keep it from coming out. I am afraid to stop putting the stuff on my leg worried it may come back. You can see in the second to last picture how it looks when I put the iodine and powder on it which seems to be the magic treatment. 

The last picture is one of the three other sores I ended up with on my arms after the last leg sore but before it got really bad on the leg. The arms cleared up faster than the leg probably due to the fact I treated them more and wasn't standing on them. 

I pray this doesn't come back but do feel the parasites cruising "at will" inside me. I do hope someone starts to study this soon. It is really frustrating dealing with all this with no sure answers to anything. 

Have a BLESSED Day!


  1. Hi, have you tried Fenben? It is an animal dewormer but is safe for humans. I'm not sure if I have Morgellons disease or the same thing you are suffering from because I have symptoms of both. I have been following the research of a scientist who has a Facebook page, Morgellons support science and also Morgellons support protocol, and have had some improvement being on his protocol. It includes taking red reishi mushroom supplements and the dewormer I mentioned. It might be worth checking in to see if you have not already. Thank you so much for sharing your experience because I thought I was alone until coming across your blog.

    1. Hi Jennifer,
      I think I have tried fenbendazole. I would have to go back and look. I have tried some treatments with the mushrooms as well but not both of those at the same time. I am interested in the facebook page you mentioned and will try to find some time to go and research that. With the holidays coming, I have some deadlines I am not meeting as I am so tired I can't seem to get much done. It may be in the new year that I can take a few minutes to get to that.

      I want to thank you for taking the time to share all that as I am usually right on looking things up and appreciate when people write. I also appreciate your kind words.

      YOU are NOT ALONE!! I get people writing nearly daily saying they have this or their kids have this. I will just continue posting everything I try and find. Keep checking my youtube channel and the blog as I will post anything I find on those.

      Have a wonderful holiday season! Have a blessed and abundant Day!
