
Monday, October 23, 2017

Snow Typhoon In Japan For Princess Four - IT IS SO COLD

Hello from SNOWY SUEHIRO!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you understand beautiful people!? IT IS WINTER! THE BIKES ARE GOING TO BE SENT AWAY! IT IS A SNOW TYPHOON! What is happening? I'll tell you what is happening... GOD is making himself manifest in all our lives, Miracle by miracle! 

I wish I was a faster typer, but lets get started on identify these miracles.
Hello! Yes. This miracle. Lets begin.

God is so funny! We had splits, so we had about a 4 hour trip. We ate really fast to make a connecting train. I luckily remembered the way due to my four transfers in the city.

We speed walk up to the escalator.

We get off, turn, and I see a group of foreigners.... YOU WILL NEVER GUESS IN A MILLION YEARS WHO I FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SISTER "Happy" and Family, AND her SISTER AND HER HUSBAND!!! The American family from Higashi ward! I WAS SO EXTATIC!!!

I hugged them, and introduced my companion to them, and we bought our ticket, and we had like 3 to 5 minutes, so Iran over and asked for a picture. We took them. I was so happy. I told her to tell the family "hi" for me. She said their daughter "Little me" would be so sad she didn't get to see me. We go through the gate, and are speed walking, and I hear "SISTER!" I look behind me, and "My adopted sister" is running towards me, we had such and awesome hug, and then took a quick picture before parting ways. THAT IS A MIRACLE. GOD IS REAL! Enjoy the pictures! Remember Gods timing is always perfect! 

We also found 5 new investigators in one DAY! Usually we get like maybe 2 or 3 on a really good week, but God knew. We found a family. Life is good.

Splits. It was a party! I am so impressed with my STL Koyama shimai. It was just too good! She is so brave, and just teaches so well. She taught a whole lesson 3, and the word of wisdom in just one lesson. Like wow. I want to be like her! 

We have so many appointments, and get fed so much. God fed 2 huge meals in one night, and I just love my life! 

I've really been working on following the spirit this past few days. And I just don't know why I don't try harder to just do that always because we just only find joy and happiness when we do! I'm also trying hard to lose myself. And with  shimai as my companion, that is easy! We may or may not have eaten dinner at about 10 last night due to nonstop dendo. Life is GOOD FOLKS!!! 

"What should you be looking for in your own life? What are God’s miracles that remind you that He is close, saying, “I am right here”? Think of those times, some daily, when the Lord has acted in your life--and then acted again. Treasure them as moments the Lord has shown confidence in you and in your choices. But allow Him to make more of you than you can make of yourself on your own. Treasure His involvement. Sometimes we consider changes in our plans as missteps on our journey. Think of them more as first steps to being “on the Lord’s errand.”"- Elder Rasband

Yeah. I ate that. I love japan.
Splits! I love them!
You know how in America we leave the peanut butter knife on the sink to make more sandwiches....  Well.. Welcome to japan!
Oh I got presents on splits. yay! 
From this women,she does wool spinning too! With a drop spinner, and a spinning wheel. The end.
My beloved "friend" Family!
At the top, Little Me!!! She is honestly one of my favorite people. Meet my best friend and little sister! Till we meet again!

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