
Monday, October 2, 2017

Princess Four in Nothern Japan - Already Cold and Loving It

WOWOWOWOW!!!! KONNICHIWA Minasan!! Genki?! Shimai wa Genki desu. Totemo Genki desu!  But you are all still Beppin, Aka stunning, so it all works out!! I am doing SOOOOO well! Because I TRANSFERRED, and I LOVE MY COMPANION, and the CHURCH IS TRUE!!!  

So... Transfers.. That was a surprise! I was in Higashi for 4 transfers! Since April!! That was only my second area, and I'm halfway done with my mission! Ha lol. Its cool! But. I am now serving in SUEHIRO!!! Aka the most north sisters area! IT'S MY DREAM COME TRUE!! It is also FREEZING! And I am loving every second of it!

My companion is Sister comp. She is transfer 3.I am transfer 7.  We have the most fun times! She is crazy. Most Japanese people don't accept compliments, and are humble.. But she accepts compliments so fast! And just is a doll, and SOOO FUNNY!!  I was very sad to leave Higashi. I cried. So many good people! But such is life! And Facebook and Line exist, so its ok. Does America know what line is yet? get on that America! 

This ward is so awesome! The elders here are Elder Y, and his bean chan(greenie. Transfer 1 Elder if you will) Elder S!  So that is a party! There are people with baptismal dates, and a new recent convert, and the dendo fire here is really starting to pick up. Eikaiwa here is crazy! One of the best kids classes on the  island The MEMBERS teach it! AH I LOVE IT HERE!!! 

Due to some things and transfers, not too much dendo happened this week, but the mentioned "things" are over now, and the work can HASTEN!! Man I love this gospel! Um.... yeah! I was surprised to become the senpi over F shimais bean chan! AKA I am breaking my breakers bean. AKA when I was third transfer I was with Sister F, and now I am companions with the sister she trained who is third transfer. Does that make sense? I hope so! GAH I AM JUST SO HAPPY! THE GOSPEL IS TRUE! HOW WAS CONFERENCE?!  So stoked to watch it next week! 

ANYWHO! REMEMBER TO OPEN YOUR MOUTH! Just like the attached pictures..

Also p.s. American Indian is how you say Native American in Japanese

Last Eikaiwa:(
MY FAVORITE GIRLS IN THE WORLD!! The Stew fam has my heart!
Lol at my comp..
we are cutie potatoes! 
Yes. This is dendo. I love getting fed Halloween treats by members! 

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