
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Persimmon on Her Mission - Update in Japan

Good Evening from さむいsamui(cold) すえひろSUEHIRO!!! IT IS SO COLD HERE! And I've already managed to lose 2 pairs of gloves already! But enough about that, you beautiful people you! Lets get to the good stuff! 

First. Fun food experiences.
We were fed by a nice old lady. The lesson was really deep and intense before... to be honest I don't really know what happened, but she fed us afterwards.... I found two hairs in my food... But luckily I have the gift of tongues to not only help me speak Japanese, but to also eat things I don't always want to eat! It really is a gift! 

The second fun food story... We were invited to a lamb party.. By the way, super yummy. So the food wasn't bad, but this man lives about 30-40 minutes away by bus, and he isn't even an investigator yet! He just comes to church. But the evening included him spontaneously singing, holding my hand after a hand shake very firmly for a long time and whispering I love you in English right before leaving, and him playing his nose whistle for us. Is missionary work fun, OR WHAT?!?!?!

But some miracles of the week!
We have a girl, with a baptismal date, but she is a little nervous to talk to her mom. She is only 12, but today she said that she wants to be baptized! So that was a tender moment! 

The elders find us SO many referrals. I appreciate them very much! Also new Elder, speaks better Japanese than me, so that is always a good time!! Ha

I was able to teach the Ukulele to a less active mom this week, so that was tons of fun. I can't teach well in English, so teaching in Japanese was a good time!! 
We have been teaching about the Plan of Salvation a lot recently. That plan really is perfect!

Funny Story of the week! 
So we went with a member to visit some less actives. While talking they said something like,"You should go to the giant mall, and dendo!!!" "Yeah that's a great idea!" And then they kept talking.... and then the same member ended up driving us to the mall... Kind of against our will.... but it was just so funny! We weren't sure on the rules of proselyting in a mall but we got it sorted out! The member decided to buy us gyoza. So nice!! We managed to talk to about 10 young girls in two different groups, who really liked me being white. We invited them all to Eikaiwa. There was a group of boys staring at us from a distance, and they walked closer. The girls we were talking to told them to talk to us, but they walked away really fast to sit at a table to stare at us... It was all good fun! after that fun experience, we go out to the car, and her car has died... She thought it was just her key, but after calling a member, and a jumpstart that failed, we got a ride back home from the member...... It was quite the experience. Never a dull day of dendo here in Japan! 

I also found out I REALLY like kaki.... Aka Japanese Persimmons. SOOOO GOOOOOOD! Just FYI. 

Pictures. Sorry. I've gotten not so good at taking them recently! 

Shimai. The one who's car died. We are now best friends! 
We had district lunch, and zone activity. Say hello to the Suehiro district. A recent convert asked me to fill this out. She is 8. The question is "what do I want the boy I like to call me?" I tried to just write my name, But I spelled it the Japanese way, Yeah. That was a good time! 

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