
Friday, October 6, 2017

No More Horton Tree - Baby Birds are Gone

I wrote a post during the early to mid summer about cutting down some larger branches on my front trees.

I was getting new rain gutters put onto my home and didn't want to damage them with tree branches falling on them or needing to prune the trees as they are so close to the house, I knew I would need to prune them sooner or later so I chose sooner so that the installment of the rain gutters would be easier.

I was cutting down the branches when a mommy and daddy bird were NOT happy with me and I saw a nest in the tree and could then hear baby birds. Here is a link to that post.

I usually get all my pruning done in the first week of October or so, and if I am on top of things, I am finishing it then, but as you know, my life is not typical so I am just happy when I can get any of my pruning done and if I finish it all, it is a good year. :-)

It has been really cold lately and lots of rain so I haven't wanted to get to pruning but this week, there have been several really nice afternoons. I cut down the large branch and continued to cut it all up and stack the wood on the nice little stack we have from the rest of the front trees. I cleaned up the branches and put them out with the trash but never got back to trimming the rest of the tree.

I had borrowed a tall ladder and it was so much easier to use with the larger trees than my little six foot ladder so I avoided finishing the front two main trees and started work this morning on one of my front blossoming plum trees. I got the inside pruned and then ran some errands and then finished trimming the top just as the sun set. I was hoping to get a few of the trees done today but was happy to give away and donated about 10 cases of beans and vegetables that we getting old. I was glad they could get used rather than being wasted as I can't eat that much being alone now so I gave it to some family and the food bank today.

That is why I had a break as the food bank closes early and aren't open on Fridays or the weekend so if I wanted to get those cases of food out of my basement, I needed to do it by closing today. Thus, I took my tree pruning break and also picked up the last watermelon of the season and some other items at the store.

Finishing at least one tree today made me happy and also cleaning out the basement food and rotating some I had, was also nice. I still have SO much to do in the yard, house, garage, and my mom's history but at least I feel like I am getting one thing or more done daily and with my health the way it has been lately, I have to be happy with that.

I was wheezing like I had emphysema today hauling all those cases of food from the basement and it truly scared me but I try to focus on the good and what I got done. If I focus on what the parasite is doing to my lungs and life, it can get distracting and overwhelming. 

The one tree I got finished today looks great and the forecast is for good weather for a few days so I am happy about that. I hope to finish the trees in front and get the swamp cooler out for the season and winterize the yard this week.

I still have mowing, edging, fertilizing, and pruning of the back trees, bushes, cleaning out the garden beds, and pruning the roses in the yard, but at least I got some major things accomplished this year on the roof, gutters and front trees.  

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of fall! Have a BLESSED Day!

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