
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Making Juicer Pulp and Juice into a Fast Curry Carrot Soup

I visited the food bank today and while there, they offered me some items they had overages of in the fridge. They had huge bags of carrots that they have had for over a week and have been giving them out as much as people want as they don't want them to be wasted.  

I got a huge bag like this just before Princess One's wedding years back and used it for soups and froze a ton in slices for turkey soup and larger pieces for roasting. Here is a link to that post.

I had a long and busy day but didn't have room in my fridge for the huge amount of carrots so I cut up three or four quart sized bags for soups and the same for roasting. I then thought that I would eat carrot soup like I do for squash and pumpkin so I thought about the best way to go about making it fast and also space saving in the freezer.

I pondered on several methods and the one that seemed to be the fastest and the most space saving was to use the juicer and to only use clean carrots and then I could use the juice and the pulp and freeze them already in a near cream soup form. It would only take minutes to boil or sauté the pulp and juice rather than boiling larger pieces down.

Here is what I came up with. Clean the carrots and cut off anything that isn't usable. Put the carrots through the juicer. Pour the juice and pulp into a container and freeze in usable amounts.

When you are ready to make soup, pull the pulp out of the freezer. I froze them in about 2 pounds of pulp containers. 

Carrot Curry Soup

1 large onion
2 TBS butter
1 TBS curry powder
2 lbs carrot pulp / juice
Vegetable Broth to your favorite consistency
Optional pint of cream

Chop and sauté the onion in the butter until the onions go clear. Pour in the carrot pulp in the pan and sauté that as well until the carrot pulp is soft, about ten minutes. Once the mixture is soft and warm, add the curry powder and vegetable broth. Before heating the broth mixture, pour all of this into a blender and mix until it is smooth. Pour it all back into the pan and heat and serve. If you want to add cream, you can add it into the blender or as you are heating it before serving. 

The carrots being pulped saves on freezer space and cooking time so it is a win / win in my book. 

Make sure you freeze the pulp as soon as possible after putting it through the juicer as it looses vitamins as soon as it is chopped up so I suggest you have a larger amount of carrots ready to juice at one time so you can immediately put them right into the deep freeze so they will freeze as fresh as possible. 

This process can also work for quick baby food. Use both the juice and the pulp and when you need baby food, just heat and serve. I would send the carrots through the juicer twice to make sure there are no larger pieces but it is an easy way to get unprocessed veggies into a usable form for children. I would heat them before serving just to kill anything that may be on the carrots from the ground or processing plant. Other than that, they are quite easy to make.

Have a Blessed Day!

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