
Thursday, September 14, 2017

Eating Octopus and Light Cups Princess Four in Japan

Hello, hello, HELLO BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! HAPPY SUNDAY YALL!!! And happy birthday today to my beautiful cousin Maddi, and to my gorgeous sister, Princess Three, later this week! You are both the ice cream to my cake. Ill eat some mochi ice cream for you! 


So lets begin with Mission tour. We Were able to hear from President Gay. (I think that is his correct title), but I am not very good at discerning the spirit always. During his talks though, I KNOW I felt the spirit. It was so strong. He was stating both deep doctrines, and simple truths, and through the spirit, I was able to know for myself that what he was saying was true. I might have taken a VERY large amount of notes. After he spoke, and the conference ended, I was pumped! I wanted to start working right away. So I did. 

Right after the conference I wanted to act, so I prayed and was guided to sit by a woman who sneezed( I thought "Bless you" in my head, so that was a sure sign she needed blessings) and we made eye contact, and I remembered President Gay saying he looked in people's  eyes to know if they were prepared to hear our message, and so there was only one available seat for two people to sit, and guess who snatched that opportunity??? the woman, and me!

Long story short, she loves English, and clearly knows we teach about the restored gospel as our first purpose, But very happily took a flyer, and will come to English class on Tuesday. YAY!!! MIRACLES!!! The biggest thing I learned from president Gay was to not just have nice conversations, but to teach this restored gospel, and to make your purpose known. Really good stuff! 

There were a TON of hard things this week too... So hard... I haven't cried like I did for a LONG time.. But something that I am learning, and that was talked about at the tour, is that the gospel doesn't make you happy 100% all the time, but if you put in the effort, you can find comfort and peace through the hard things. That is really why we have this gospel, and the savior. To make it through all times! Whether good or bad. And we can always look for the positives. That is probably my favorite part. we can ALWAYS give gratitude. 

Another crazy miracle came through finding.... We found not one, but TWO new investigators within a few hours of each other. We got a little lost, and I saw a Sally figurine from the nightmare before Christmas, and I knew we needed to ping it, so we did. And she took a Book of Mormon, AND gave us her number! That is SOOOOO AWESOME!!! 

Later, I wanted to ping a house I've always wanted to ping, so we did, and nobody answered, but then my companion shimai felt like we should ping the apartment next to it. So we did, and found another woman who said we could come back next Friday.... WHAT?! That has happened so frequently where we ping the house we are first prompted to ping, then the other companion gets a second prompting, and we find someone through it... CRAZY STUFF! But God exists so it actually makes a lot of sense! 

I also did an English fast this week... It was rough, and it wasnt 100 percent perfect, but I know through my fast, and my companion shimais fast, our prayers were answered! 

Last Monday was so long ago, but another crazy story!  We ran into ayaka 15 minutes before preparation day ended with our groceries in our backpack. She was free, so we went to the church, dropped off our groceries there, then went to a matsuri... AKA a festival.

On the way, we ran into a member who Ayaka adores,and he was able to come with us.. It was a long walk, but it was fun, and there was some good gospel discussion on the way. I also have a favorite word. Denki. It means light. Like electrical light. And we were able to buy denki drinks . Aka lightbulb cups. It was a dream! I also learned the word for toilet is Benki, so that was also a good time chanting GENKI, BENKI, DENKI! And lots of other rhyming words with ayaka. Good stuff! 

This week was crazy, and I love this gospel. I recommend this weeks liahona article by Elder Holland. It is about happiness. It will change you! It is very me-ish shimai poi.

I love it!  And all of you!!

Choose to have a good week!

Matsuri - Festival with light cups
I ate this octopus arm.
Mission tour
Fireworks! They put americas Fourth of July to shame!!!
I got this. Why do people in Japan know how to gift so well!?
Also my comp made this... Why does she have al the talents? 

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