
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Japan - A New Companion and Back To Work

Wow Wow WOW! What a good week it has turned out to be beautiful people! The Lord is just pouring down blessings left and right. Make sure you are closing your umbrellas so you can receive them!

Well this week was one of those weeks where I don't even know where to begin. I guess we will begin with the blessings of Monday.

So last week while emailing, our phone got called by an investigator. Because I was the only person in the companionship who could speak Japanese...

Yes "Cutie", the mission presidents daughter, was my companion if you remember. Haha So I answered but I had NO idea what she was saying. She was using some really difficult Japanese, and explaining her situation, but the choro walked in like probably 10 seconds after I picked up the phone, so they were able to guide me through the call.... Its the little things really :)

So Sister Cutie,  was my companion for about 2  and a half days... oh man. GOOD STUFF!! But  I found out that if needs be, I can speak Japanese. Not well, and I fake my way through most of it, but the gift of tongues is REAL! Whom the Lord calls, he qualifies! I think that is how that quote goes, but it is true. We were able to find a member to go with us to our planned appointment, and I was able to convey, and direct the message. Things were is understood, but it led to an even better lesson than what I was going for. This really is the Lord's work!

I know you are probably all on the edge of your seat waiting to hear
who my new companion is..... IT'S...... SISTER "Sweetie"!!!!!!!!! THE DREAM COMPANION!! SHE IS SO AMAZING!!!!!! And Japanese :) with very little English in her brain. She knows a lot, but we both don't speak the others native language well, so it is a party! She calls me "Shrek" recently, and just other fun things like that.

We laugh NONSTOP! And she does fun dendo. Like going to our investigators beyblade, tops that fight each other, competition, or going to a concert with ayaka. Shout out to my old companion shimai because they had a color guard, which is very rare in Japan. So fun!

I was able to talk and testify to a single mother who is really
struggling with her son. She might be self dropping... aka not letting us come over anymore.... but it just makes me so much more grateful for this gospel, and my family, and how the gospel truly blesses EVERY aspect of my life. It is crazy that things as simple as praying to God are so foreign to people. But that is why I am here serving a mission
:) Love you fam.

I successfully gave a talk.. Oh man. We have English speakers in the ward, and I felt so bad for the sister translating my broken Japanese. But I have been told that I have a talent of getting my message across even though my Japanese isn't correct.... That sounds terrible, but it really is a good thing! We all have different talents people!

We were able to eat, and spend time with Ayaka, and the Stewart family from Utah. Oh my goodness... Anyone who has lived in a different language speaking country can maybe explain this to you, but listening here in Japan is exhausting. Like in English. I don't have to try to listen. It just happens, but in Japanese, I am constantly trying to tie things together, and use context clues to figure things out. And it is just a little hard. BUT God looked down, and said I love you Shimai, and sent me the Stewart family. Be grateful you speak English. It is a HUGE BLESSING!!! I know I give gratitude for it frequently!

So many other fun things, but yes. Life is fun!

Thank you for all the love and support. I have received some emails, and through this transfer, and lots of different things, I have felt a lot of love. You are the best! Even if all you do is read these emails. You deserve a gold star!

I learned a lot about faith this week. Remember that faith can only be in CHRIST. Nothing else. I really have learned that this is true. I hope everyone has a great week! Give gratitude!

福音は真実です! The gospel is true! 愛しています! I love you!

Getting Shabushabu because the Mission Presidents daughter / my comp doesn't like fish! So yum!

Hello. I'll be the next model for old Japanese police uniforms if you need me... Almost as good as a Disney princess!
Beyblade cheer squad.
Free police concerts... Like an orchestra. Not the band.
My companion is SOSOSOSOOSSOSOSOSO good at cooking. Like. Yes.
Proof that color guards exists. Love you Old Comp shimai!
My head was too big. So the hat is a little tall... Just an American thing..
my fave American family. They made origami Hamilton puppets..... And we talked about Scandinavian days. They are my new best friends!

Remember to let your faith grow just like a sunflower. And be a Son Follower!

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