
Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Such a Wonderful Fourth

I found out my friends were visiting from the East Coast for the holiday and I made a trip to visit them while they were visiting with mutual friends. 

Princess Five and I went to lunch with Princess Two and enjoyed visiting. Then the two girls went swimming and I went to visit my friends. The girls arrived after swimming to visit as well. It was as if no time had passed.

I had been telling Princess Five on the drive that these two families were people I would choose to be on my "island" at the end of the world as they are strong, honest, hard working and Christ like, salt of the earth people.

We had an interesting trip as on the way I was discussing some issues Princess Five was having getting ready for college with her and wasn't paying attention to my speed and, of course with it being a holiday, there were lots of police about bringing in money by giving lots of tickets. I realized I was speeding, hit my brakes and then looked up to see a police officer on the side of the road.

Of course as I passed, even though I had slowed, he pulled us over. I hate pulling over on the highway as there is so much trash in the break down lane but I didn't want him to think I wasn't going to pull over.

Princess Five was upset and I already had my information ready to hand him when he walked up. He asked if I knew the speed limit and I told him what it was and he told me I was going 12 mph over the limit. I truly know better than to speed on a holiday but 10 over is usual traffic speed and I have actually been pulled over before for going the actual speed limit on that same highway during rush hour because I was in the second to high speed lane going the speed limit and was holding up traffic. lol

This officer was SO cool. He asked if I still lived at the address on the license and proceeded to tell me how he lived in our town for four years. He then could tell Princess Five was upset and told her about his upbringing and how he was taught to deal with stress and shared some very personal and amazing stories with us and I knew that God sent him to us as he said almost verbatim exactly what I had just been telling Princess Five! She looked at me with mouth wide open as he was talking and tears were just streaming down her face. This officer was SO inspired to tell her exactly what she needed to hear!

He didn't give me a ticket and it was nearly 100 degrees on the highway and he was dripping sweat into our car and stayed talking to us for about 40 minutes! I told the officer that we were kindred spirits and I was SO grateful for his time! He wished us well and sent us on our way!

Our dear friends hosted and provided us a wonderful dinner and we visited for hours about the "good old days" when all our kids were little. We caught up on what our children were doing. I got to skype with Princess One and her cute kids and were sad we didn't have the time to be there for Grand Princes One's birthday! We will be celebrating it camping in a month or so.

We headed out and arrived home just in time to enjoy the fireworks and then Princess Five went to a dance at the pool and had so much fun. She ended up talking with her friends until after one a.m. I haven't seen her so happy about a day in awhile. She really just had a great day.

I also had a great day! I LOVED being with these amazing people and especially connecting with these two strong talented women who were my "family" when I lived in the east. I count myself blessed to have people like this in my life! I was able to give her two grandchildren who were visiting with them some "trinkets" from the west. Candy sticks, and a pioneer bonnet and their grandson LOVED the scorpion necklace I found for him. I wasn't sure what a boy would like to take for "Show and tell" from his vacation but I was fairly sure a scorpion would pass the test. It really was a wonderful Fourth! I had a "Blessed" Day and hope you did as well! 

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