
Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Prayers Needed in Japan

I had a weird thought a few weeks back about Princess Four maybe coming home early. I thought it a "weird thought" as she has been doing so well and you can follow her posts as I post about once a week since she left in October.

That evening, she wrote me a personal email stating that she was having some health issues. She was having the exact symptoms that Princess Two had in Taiwan before coming home sick a few months early from her mission.

She is having metal taste in her mouth, sores in her mouth, one her face and now sores in other areas. This is stressful to me as I have been through this twice before and they weren't the best outcomes so I am a bit worried.

She got some cream from a Dr. and it was helping the sores on her face and she got some medication from an older couple that were headed home to the U.S. for her mouth but now she is having a few other symptoms. I told her to speak to the Mission Presidents wife and hopefully they can get her in to see another Dr. and figure out what is going on. Truly, she loves her mission and wants to stay and finish it up but I don't think she would be able to take another year like this so any prayers you can send her way would be appreciated! Here is her latest letter.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear beautiful people, but mostly right now my little sister Princess Five, but you all deserve some birthday love toooooooo, Happy birthday to you! *sung to the tune of happy birthday with the long part in the middle sung on the same note*

So miracles of the week. It was crazy. Also, yesterday we were fed by our amazing ward mission leader, and I thought he said that he ate raccoon, but he didn't, but he made sure to assure me that we were not eating raccoon pot-stickers, so don't worry! It was really cute!

But miracles. We were biking and stopped for a phone call that took a while, because we sat for so long, I was feeling bad because I was making my companion wait. But then our ward mission leader pulled up in his car, in a super random area  and was like, let us feed you and your investigator Ayaka. It was awesome! Especially because you never really get recognized here, because nobody knows who you are, it was so cool! Also saw a man in a go kart dressed as Donkey Kong. So that was a party. 

But the dinner with Ayaka went really well. She loves my moms blog videos. Her mom made us a video saying sorry that she couldn't come to our events, so we made a video for her, and hope she lets her daughter get baptized! 

We are having a member extend the invitation today, so lets all pray that that goes well! 

We met the new mission president this week!!!!! So cool!!! President and his family are so cute! We were also asked to sing, and our song went really well. It had 6 singers, an organ, and a piano. We rocked it. 

The presidents wife and daughter were able to come to our Fourth of July party! They came with the senior couple! The party was so awesome! Everyone had such a good time! Thank you God for that inspiration! God bless America! I hope everyone had a good fourth! 

I got to see my MTC companion and spend a little bit of time with her! Ayaka got a job at a convince store right by the elders apartment. We were able to give away a free family English program flyer to a cute mom at a baseball game! We are going to have to drop a less active member we have been teaching, so that will be hard, but we think that is what we need to do right now!

Sorry This week is kind of a blur, we had some health issues and a conference, so not too much dendo, but we are going to see lots more miracles so. Just you wait!

I love you all so much! I hope life is happy! Happy is a choice, and I choose it everyday! I also had a sort of cool spiritual experiences. Go read Moses if you want to have some awesome personal study. I learned a lot from it! I hope everyone there isn't dying of heat, because we are melting over here, but we keep pushing on! Stay happy! Happy Birthday again Princess Five. You're beautiful! Don't ever forget it!

福音は真実です! The gospel is true! 愛しています! I love you!"

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful young woman. I know you are proud! Many prayers for Princess Four. Maria
