
Friday, July 14, 2017

Play Practice for Days

Princess Five and I have been at play practice for at least five hours ever day this week. My feet are so swollen and sore as I have be dancing much of that five hours.
I have so many things to do to be ready for the play. I have costumes to make, mend, alter and decorate. I was hoping I could work on some of the costumes while in between scenes but we just kept running the chorus scenes.
We are going to have the busiest next few weeks and hope that my feet start feeling better and are less swollen before the play. I have just been working in my garage cleaning in the heat so they aren't going down.

I haven't worked on my mothers stuff in the past month and hope that I can find some time for that soon as well but as of now, I am hoping I can just make it through July, the play and my garage!
Have a Blessed Day! 

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