
Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Free Fans In Japan - Princess Four Mission Moments

What is up my Beautiful Hito! Is everyone Genki? I sure hope so!

I had some other emails to attend to, so this will be short, but first off, THANK YOU SOOO x infinity much for sending my companion birthday emails. Sisters, cousins, College friends, mission friends. I don't know if it made her more happy to be wished a happy a birthday, or to hear her say, "Who the freak is Gabriella?, Why did your Sister email me?, Who is this person? I don't know these people?" But I know who you are. She mentioned so many other fun names. You are all so great! You will receive blessings.. I promise. You REALLY made me happy! I feel so loved!  And so does she!
Fun fact. This is like the hottest summer in like 125 years in Hokkaido, so we are melting, but its cool.

Fun things of the week! AKA Some Miracles!!! SPLITS!! Oh my goodness, shout out to Carl shimai raking in the blessings. We were able to find a boy who stopped coming to Eikaiwa out of the blue. He said he can't reply to the elders, but he gets their messages. So like that was SOO awesome!
And then right after that, we stopped by a potential investigators house with a huge garden. She didn't take the Book of Mormon, but she recognized it and said a story about Mormons 30 years ago. Then she ran inside and gave us nice fans! So cute! Pictures included.

I gave a talk this week... oh boy... I pretty much just copied the PMG, but nobody noticed, or if they did they didn't tell me... Thank you MTC for the language books! Everyone was SO impressed with my Japanese..... I plagiarized my whole talk, but thank you ward members! I really actually put a lot of time into it, so that was really scary, but I got through it!

I wrote a note for the other woman who spoke, and she sent me a nice text message. Everyone, I hope you are showing appreciation to those around you. It can make their whole day!

I am still finding happiness out here in Japan! Sorry this one is choto lame... Just remember happiness is a choice. Don't let others choices affect your happiness!

 More chocolate factory with The mission presidents daughter
Free fans!!!
I pick good birthday presents. We found a new love of blowing bubbles!
Fireworks are my new thing, and God sent me a heart shaped one when I tried to take pictures. #shukufuku My favorite American family in our ward at basketball night. I found out they also love musicals! Dear sisters, don't worry, they updated me on new things in the musical world!
Don't worry.
The sunsets are even more amazing in real life. The sunsets are soooooo pretty!!

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