
Monday, June 26, 2017

Dancing Japanese Princess Four

Bijin Hito. Beautiful People. That might be bad Japanese, but you wouldn't know so we'll pretend it is right. Haha Just know that I think you are all beautiful souls. Or spirits as the Plan of Salvation teaches us. Anywho. Kiseki(miracles) of the week!

The talent show. I was able to perform a musical number. AKA my companion shimai and I just played music on our phones because the buttons play individual notes. You bet I played the alto part to praise to the man. So funny. We also danced! Maybe ill include a video... maybe... It was so fun to send the President and his wife, and the assistant fufu (couple) off with a bang. Secretly don't know their title, but maybe they are secretaries? We showered them with gifts, and it was just a really fun time. Photo includes half the mission btw.

I chose to follow the example of the missionary that our president spoke about, and decided to write thank you notes for the people who spoke in sacrament meeting. It was an American Family, so I was able to write 7 notes in English. It was a big lesson. #shukufuku The youngest daughter loved my card. It was a bunny card from the
super popular dollar store. I am grateful for my president, and his advice and counsel. I think I was able to spread a little bit of
Christ's love yesterday. Moving to Japan with almost 0 Japanese would be scary, but they trusted in God, just like we all should.

I have also randomly learned about grace this week, and grace is amazing. Please go look up the talk by Brad Wilcox about grace. It will change you. I cried a few times this week. I just want to be a good missionary, but it is hard. I keep continually making mistakes. I
think companion Shimai needs a better companion because I don't know how to help her alway
s, and I am not the best example. I am slow to learn Japanese, and don't speak very much in lessons even though I  want to
open my mouth. I feel like I couldn't even be a good missionary even if I was speaking English. I let the battle with fear consume me, and I often let fear win. The mission is just hard. BUT!!!! I am grateful that I have the atonement and that I can be forgiven of my shortcomings and inadequacies.  I don't only get to teach about Christ's atonement. I get to use it daily. I know that through trials
we are made stronger. I am only mentioning the few bad times so that we can all full appreciate that there is also a lot more good!

We were able to turn a PI into an investigator this week. His wife is less active. Last time we visited we left a Book of Mormon. He said he didn't read very much, then proceeded to flip to Page 40. We were ecstatic. And companion shimai asked if they would pray as a family. The wife protested a little bit, but her husband agreed right away. Can you say KinJin?(aka golden investigator) The wife was also wearing her mission t-shirt, and was so excited to show us. Lets get them to the temple people!

We were able to visit a few people we haven't seen in a while! And we got another new investigator because this woman called our office wanting to learn English. She wrote down our commitments, and our beliefs. She asked if she had to get baptized. We said no, but I am pretty sure she will want to very soon. God is good!

Our investigator Ayaka chan came to church again, and she has made friends! The American family is doing a great job at welcoming/befriending her. She learned about the Plan of Salvation yesterday at church from Yamazaki Choro. He is an AMAZING missionary.

I am really impressed with him. We have been together for 4 of my 5 transfers.... did I mention that I have been in Japan since January.... let that sink in... haha

The mission Secretaries pictured here 
were able to bring us some things before heading off. We were probably the last missionaries she gets to hug. I will miss
them. I get too see my president again before he and his wife go home too.

I got a birthday letter from my ward. Life is just good people! Too good! I love you all SOO
OOOOOOOOOOOO much! Remember to trust in God. That can be hard, but it is worth it. He only wants you to be happy, so why run from that? Keep repenting. Share the gospel, because it is actually more fun than scary. Don't let Satan tell you otherwise. Please stay safe and stay happy!

Love, Shimai

福音は真実です! The gospel is true! 愛しています! I love you!

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