
Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A Seconds Mothers Day From Japan

Hello beautiful Friends Family, and Fathers!!! Happy Father's Day to all the dads, future dads, grandpas, and all male figures! And Happy Second Mother's Day to the best Okaasan in the whole world! Mother, Did sisters give you foot rubs? Did everyone else get/give a happy Father's Day foot rub? I hope you did! Remember to show your fathers gratitude, but also your Heavenly Father some gratitude too. He would love to hear from you. I know it!

So fun facts of the week...... I DIDN'T TRANSFER!!!!!!! Now you probably all can't keep track with all the other missionary letters you might receive, but just to keep you up to speed with my life, this past transfer was 3 weeks long due to getting a new mission president in this current 9 week transfer. Do you all remember my beautiful doryo Sister companion? Well surprise. She is staying Too!!!! And so is our district! This will be my 4th out of 5 transfer being with my same comp. We were destined to be friends! Ummm... so yes... fun things of the week!

1st things first. My comp shimai was sick, so we did not do very many things this week..... but it is ok! Because we can just work harder this week, and baptize someone. Sounds good to me! Um......  yes.

Before the sickness set in..... WE had one of the cutest visits I have ever had!! We baked cookies with an adorable ward member named Shimai. Her mother is not a member, but lets just say this grandmother and I are soul sisters. She made us wool sock slippers.... mine were red while and blue. They were the cutest things I have ever had placed upon my feet. I asked if the daughter had siblings, and she said no. Then i found out later, through her mother speaking to a shrine in their home, that her sister had died. We then watched a video about the plan of salvation. I felt really happy, and I think they did too! I hope to make donuts with them soon! 

Another great thing that happened was making oden with Ayaka chan and the elders! She asks really deep questions, so I am grateful for those who can speak Japanese well. She doesn't have a desire to act on the things we are teaching her yet, but I have faith that she will soon have faith! It is weird trying to teach about a man named Jesus Christ who these people sometimes know nothing about. Just a little from history class maybe. They have no idea of the sacrifice and atonement that he made so that we can become happy, and one day perfect beings.

I have been focusing on faith and Trust this past while. I think my phrase for this transfer will be, 'Lets go Fishing!'  Because I want to have my line in the water all day, catching fish. Not sitting at the shore hoping a fish will jump into my arms. 

I was able to chat with the mission presidents wife this week! It was so awesome! She is so nice, and Japanese, and just so darn good! I want to be like her! She shared with me a scripture. I think it is 1Nephi 9:6
 6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen.

Remember to trust in God. He knows ALL things. He knows that I was going to be called to Japan, that you have a date this weekend, that you sometimes question your testimony... Everything.... BUT!!!! He has prepared a way for you. He is a kind and loving Heavenly Father! He can, will, and wants to help you. You just need to ask for help, and have faith that the answer is what is best for you! I love you all!

Another funny story. There are 3 American girls in young women's now. (The oldest is named my name if I haven't mentioned that yet..) but the teacher was like. What is today! All of us were like... June 18? I was like Sunday! Then after a long time of translating these things into Japanese back and forth, we realized it was Father's Day. So that was fun! 

Also we had a basketball night this week, and our ward mission leader sent us the cutest text message after giving him his favorite cake, and Ayaka chan wasn't able to come to church, but she texts us cute things too. So just FYI Japan is the best. Also my comp shimai had a camera stuck up her nose down her throat. Also a Japanese man might have urinated in front of the church in the park while we were speed walking to make it to our meeting on time. So yes. Life is good. Real good!
Happy Father's Day everyone! 

福音は真実です! The gospel is true! 愛しています! I love you! 

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