
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

It's a Circus Out There - Last Date in High School

Princess Five planned a super fun date for over a year now with lots of her 4-H friends.

She wanted to have just 4-H kids on the date and have them come from all over the state. She and a few friends asked boys from other cities and they were all going to come but then activities changed and Princess Five was so sad when she found out her date couldn't come as they had planned it for a year and then her other 4-H friends chose not to go at all since their dates couldn't come.

With all that, she decided not to go to the last girls choice date in her high school experience. We had already purchased sweatshirts for the date as it was planned so long in advance.

With all that, I tried over and over to talk her into just getting another group together and go ahead with all the plans. We already purchased the sweats, we had a ring toss game, a bean bag game, the menu etc.

Days and days went past with me making different suggestions of who she could ask and groups she could put together but I think she was just so disappointed that the original plan didn't work.

A few days before the date, she texted me asking how many sweat shirts we had purchased. I got a huge smile at that as I knew she had reconsidered and decided to go. She found a group of friends that was going but didn't have anything planned so she got in the group and they used her plan.

They had someone that was going to cut the vinyl for $10. She found someone to cut it for $2 a shirt. We had gotten the sweat shirts on clearance so they were able to get the set for under $20. They went with the circus theme and put "ringmaster" on the girls shirts and "lion" on the boys shirts in a cute circus font and then the girl name and their date on the back.

The menu was hot dogs since her friends mom has a roaster and a popcorn machine, that was easy. They had chips and cute little candy cups with those marshmallow peanuts, and other carnival treats. They drank lemonade as well. We were going to do corn dogs before the hotdog roaster came into play.

We have a snow cone shaver, cute cones, spoon straws and lots of flavoring so we contributed that as well as popcorn bags, kids carnival games and tattoos.

They all took turns at each of the five "booths" playing games, making the snow cones, etc.

They called and had me come take some pictures and it started snowing while taking the pictures and ended up taking a few inside as it was so cold. It was really a last minute thing and she really didn't know the boy she asked very well but they had fun anyway.

I know she was glad she made the choice to attend the last dance in high school. I think she has made the most of her high school experience and is moving forward to finish up strong!

Have a BLESSED Day. 

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