
Monday, May 29, 2017

Bowling With Babies Fun Beyond Belief

For YEARS I have been trying to get my kids to go bowling with me. We go with one here and one there every few years but when we are all together, I beg them to do stuff with me and it just doesn't happen.

We usually play games and don't leave the house but when I asked Princess Five what she wanted to do after graduation, she said she wanted to go bowling!

I was so thrilled that she chose to do something out of the house. She wanted Sushi and we have made it before with great success but it wasn't my best attempt as I used a "sushi" cook book and the rice came out worse than just the normal rice I made for the "Café Rio" salads.

Even though the sushi was a bust, we had the salads which were amazing as I made a super spicy dressing for me and more mild for the rest.

The highlight of the day was the bowling with Babies. We all got shoes and a lane in a recently remodeled bowling alley and some of us used bumpers and others not. I don't think Princess Five has been bowling more than five time in her entire life but she was a trooper and did quite well.

The surprise to me of the day was Prince One bowling with a baby on his back! He threw the balls so hard down the lane, one was almost 23 mph! I jumped every time he bowled!

The baby liked it and didn't cry or freak out. He is so used to being worn that he was passed around a few times and never complained. In some ways, I like that they wear their kids as it keeps them secure, yet contained but, when they wear them, we get less baby time.

Grand Princess One was adorable. I wish I had the video to upload, someone took a video but I had forgotten my camera so I don't have it and need to figure out who took the video. She was SO excited every time she knocked a few pins down and she would jump, scream and look to see that we all saw her wonderful roll. It was seriously worth every penny to see her cute face and reactions!

Maybe I will update this post tomorrow if I can find who videotaped the cute reactions when she hit the pins. At first, they just rolled the ball, then, they tried the little black frame that allows them to guide the bowl and push the ball down the rack but she actually bowled better without it and by the time we finished nearly every lane was taken and we had a dad with three little boys under five and a baby who was all by himself and he also bowled with the baby but it was in his left arm and he bowled a strike with his right!

The people to our other side looked to be grandparents with lots of kids under about 11. Needless to say, bowling etiquette went out the window and we just had to jump in when we thought we wouldn't hit anyone before, during, or after our turn. It was a fun day, I have had more fun in the past few days with my amazingly adorable grandchildren then I have in years! I just wish my Princess Four was here but I am happy she is where she is! It is a true blessing to have so many wonderful kids and now, grandchildren!

Hope you have a blessed Memorial Day! 

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