
Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Getting Sharpie or Sticky Goo off Metal

I was making some piggy banks out of mason jars and I didn't want to use new lids so I found some lids I had used for canning a few years back. Here is a link to that post.  

There were plenty of lids to choose from as I keep them on to keep the jars clean. I didn't want the writing on the top when I cut them so I used turpentine to clean the top. Usually turpentine will do the job. I was able to clean one top with just the turpentine.

When I tried it on an older lid and the lid didn't quite come clean. In the past, when I cleaned off Sharpie and it didn't come off, I have used "Totally Awesome Cleaner" and if that doesn't work, I use fingernail polish remover.

I posted a blog about this in the past on how to remove Sharpie off plastic bins. Here is a link to that.

The cleaner and the turpentine didn't work all the way. I used fingernail polish remover and it took it the rest of the way off.

I am fairly sure this combo will take off most Sharpie and markers off most things.

In the past, I took off Sharpie off walls using a Mr. Clean eraser. It works great if you don't scrub hard. It also worked great on my garage door getting the calcium build up off.
This project was a fun one and worked out great. Princess Five was thrilled with it and since I used things I already had, it was free!

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