
Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Chemical Laden Garage - Totally Embarrassed

I wrote a post last year about a gas can that leaked in my garage and a 5 gallon container of paint primer that somehow cracked in my garage and my garage smelled like a chemical plant. It finally aired out and I was happy for that! 

Since my computer passed on, I am still waiting for the new computer I am getting to arrive at the store so I can pick it up. It is a spring sale so I had to wait for spring before the store had it to sell. 

While I am waiting for it, I can't edit my mothers book, I can't scan her stuff so I am working harder on cleaning things out as I shared a few weeks back I am going through a drawer or more a day. 

My garage has been non-parkable since Princess One's wedding over three years ago. I have gotten it somewhat cleaned at times but crisis happens and I never quite have the time to devote to it with all the craziness in my world. I have about 25 boxes of ebay stuff from before my divorce which I have never been able to find time to pull out of the back due to court, missions, weddings, etc.

I found an solid wood bookshelf at a second hand store for $35 that is about 8 feet tall. I was SUPER happy as my kitchen doesn't have a pantry and not many cupboards so all my large pots, griddles, counter appliances, rice cookers, crock pots etc, all have to go in the garage. I made this make shift shelf to hold them all and it has been so neglected over the years. I had a gallon of "Sprout" starte,r that helps get your plants to sprout up fast to plant, spill somehow and warped the shelves and everything tumbled off the shelves and once again I had a chemical smell in there. 

I am somewhat of an emergency prepper and I have a garage full of weird things like a ton of charcoal to use with the dutch over towers etc. I decided I am going to now store that in a garbage can. I seriously want to be at ground zero if something happens but if not, I want to survive in comfort! 

I want my garage, house, yard and life back! I don't know when I lost it, but somewhere between taking care of kids, my mother, house, and health issues, I lost myself and my organized life!  

I have a few great posts I wanted to write about but don't have time to wait for videos to upload and I spent over 2 hours replying to comments on my blog and youtube channel. I am grateful for people writing and sharing their experience but I never know when there will be some so don't always allow for replying time in my night-time rituals. I also got called by someone I know who shared she has parasites. I also had someone at the hospital while I was there tell me their brother has some symptoms of the parasite. All these types of things take time as I email links, reply to question and I just need to start writing my blog earlier. 

I have tried for two days to get the book case in and moving, sorting, throwing stuff away amidst phone call after phone call today, I didn't get it done. I am almost to the point of removing this weird shelf and getting the nice wooden one in so I can have everything in a spot. I don't know that it will be beautiful, but at least I will be able to find things!

We also worked on calling Princess One's college of choice about registration. I think we are late in registering as we got a bit busy with sterling scholar, Region drama and State Band last week. We are hopefully going to finish that up tomorrow but at least she has a better idea of the classes she needs to take and I pray she can get into them without a problem. Hopefully, I can also get the bookcase in and done tomorrow, I think it will make my life much happier having another spot cleaned out of things I don't need or use anymore. It feels good to start getting my life back! Now, I pray I can figure out a cure for the parasites and I can truly have my life back!

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