
Monday, March 6, 2017

Missing Two Weeks from Japan Princess

Princess Five thought she was sending emails the past three weeks but they didn't send so here are two weeks in February with some pictures: "Valentines week.... For those of you wondering my email did not go through last week. But it was just pictures so here you are. Enjoy my Valentines week. We were sick and stayed inside, so sorry about it. There were more miracles that happened this week, so look for the next email.
Meat pizza and seafood pizza. The seafood pizza has shrimp squared tuna fish and broccoli on it. Yay Japan! We spent valentines dinner with a single mom who is less active. We brought her flowers and pizza. It was the perfect Valentine's Day!

Last week in February.......
Beautiful souls! Ogenki desu ka? Are you great? Long time no email! Let's just get to the miracles, mmmk?!

During a district meeting, our district leader asked me to share a cool finding story that I had. I realize that I have had a lot. The Seirei has been good to me!

We felt like we should ping an apartment where I member lives. We were able to give a man a Book of Mormon. My trainer is so awesome! After talking to that man for a while we started walking home. I felt like we should ping another house. We did, and the lady who answered had already heard lessons from the missionaries. She wasn't interested in meeting with us, but I think the Lord wanted her to have a little reminder about the church.
I have also learned that the spirit talks to me through song lyrics. It's really funny actually.

On splits we streeted a lady who spoke English very well. During our English class this week she came, and she said she would come next time too, so that is awesome!  We had two appointments, but neither of the women were home when we went. So I asked God what you wanted us to do, and he let us to a house with a lot of American signs on it. I was grateful I could read all of them. Haha she has two kids and is interested in English, so we will see where that goes. 

While waiting for the bus I decided to scratch off's and inappropriate graffiti off of the wall. A road worker on the road saw me and started laughing. I'm glad I could make
his day! Haha

On Saturday we didn't have very much time to go contacting. But I felt like we should go back and visit a man who said the elders could come back. The others were busy so they couldn't visit him, but I really feel like we should go visit him,and after I told my companion she felt a confirmation, so we did. I felt very strongly that I should tell him that his wife loves him. She passed away three months ago. He left the room and I started crying I felt like I should tell him so badly. I've never had that happen before. I don't know if you could understand what I was saying, but we gave him a Plan of salvation pamphlet. I hope the elders go visit him very soon.

We also had a ward talent show on Saturday! I was in three acts! I sing country Road, did a skit with all the missionaries, and was asked to dance 50 minutes before the show started. I am not a freestyler, so that freaked me out, but I pushed my fears aside, because this work isn't about me. I worked out some old drill team dance moves and it all turned out OK. Our ward is so cute.

We missed our train yesterday. By two minutes, but there just so happened to be a train headed in that direction just five minutes later. God was so good to us. Little things like that happen all the time. This church is so true! I am grateful for it every day. What are you grateful for? I hope you have a great week! 

Sorry if my sentences and grammar don't make sense. I'm speaking into my iPad, so forgive me."

This weeks pictures:
The man we gave a book to gave us fun snacks. I love Japan, and Japanese people.

My new favorite food ever. Mochi ice cream!

Thanks for teaching me how to sew mom - Fixing a hole in my wool sweater!

Look how Asian we are! I've waited so long to take this cat picture!

Meet Udon. The greatest thing to happen to us yet!

Me winning the Chinese game with all pairs. I am very talented!and blessed! 

Also a new favorite, a pizza on. It's pizza flavored Japanese goodness.

Again... So sorry I am bad at technology!!!

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