
Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Beach Photo Shoot in Japan - Princess Four

Once again, Princess Four's email has come late. I didn't get it in time to blog it yesterday but I wasn't home anyway so it was fine. Here is her latest email. It looks like she is having some great fun. I love the top picture as she is in the air and you can see her shadow on the beach. So cute! 
"Hello! What is happening beautiful souls!?
This week was probably good. So much happens in a week! I'll try my
hardest to remember all of the miracles!

We were able to do a lesson with (A cute lady) again! She felt like she had to feed us, so that took up most of her time. The food was amazing! We were able to bring a member with us. We didn't have a lot of time to stay,but she prayed is Chinese! And she said that she would come to church with us after she gets back from her trip. She said she wants to learn more about Jesus. cute lady. Have we got a message for you! We heart attacked her door right before she left for her trip, and she loved it!

We also heart attacked another Shimai's door! She fed us this week.
She is so rockin.  The elders taught the lesson, so I don't really know what happened. But the spirit was there. On the way back from her
house I found my gloves! I didn't even know I lost them. But God loves me so we found them!  The clasp broke, but it's all good.

I found out my new District leader was a bee keeper.... and he was chosen to perform on Broadway! What!? For those of you who know me, you understand how much I appreciated being able to talk about musicals! That really was a miracle! Haha but then we brought it back to the gospel. Don't you worry!
Remember (the baker lady) the recent convert? She works at an amazing bakery.

A large majority of the workers have handicaps or disabilities. The first time we went, just she came out to see us.  Now when we go, the whole bakery comes out! Maybe not all, but a large percentage. If you also know me, you will know I want to be a princess... this tops being a Disney princess. The workers are so cute!

We also met the lion of Oz! Aka a man who saw us on the street and owns a cafe called the lion of oz. soooooo cool. He has met missionaries before, so he invited us in to drink coffee and tea, we said herbal tea was fine! He invited us back to try and kimonos because he also sells them...  yay foreigner perks!!! Thanks for the white foreign looking skin ancestors! He gave us a free coat. Like an expensive winter coat.. and I touched an $1000 dollar kimono... so cool!

We were able to paint a beautiful sign for Bolivian night! I'm so grateful for my companion shimais art talents! We also sat at an old lady's house for two hours.... old ladies can talk... even if you can't understand them... that happens a Lot, but I love it! I could understand a few things which means I'm learning! We were able to finally sing to a lady san! She knows one of our hymns! But different words, but that was still cool.

Remember the green means go house? We were able to meet her husband! A lot of people don't want us to meet their husbands, but he was really nice! We rang the doorbell and he came out. Then he came home.

God's timing is a real thing! I also was better about opening my
mouth. Luckily my companion Shimai helps me a lot. Talking is so fun when you aren't terrified. So I'm trying not to be scare of it anymore.What is the point of that? You can stop trying to scare me out of talking Satan.

Lots of people came for Bolivian day! Not a ton, but a few potential
people to teach. That's just me scratching the surface. More ShukuFuku to come! Love you all!
Ai shiteimasu! Kyokai wa shinjitsu desu!



Enjoy our photo Shoot from the beach.... haha
Meet bishop. He is still Bolivian and stuff!"

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