
Friday, February 24, 2017

Last Minute Bunko Night

I have had a busy week and I had a friend in my Bunko group that got sick and couldn't host. I felt like I should call and offer to swap months with her.

I called her and offered and she was happy about that. As I got replies from people about coming, four had birthdays in the family, two were out of the state and today the woman that was sick relapsed and she and her daughter couldn't come. 

I didn't want to deal with getting seven substitutes so I just went ahead and held it with the five of us. 

I made a great meal and desert and it was a good night. Everyone ended up with a prize and we actually didn't even play one round as we just visited and enjoyed talking. I am glad I was able to help my friend but also know that I was supposed to do it in a few months when we are dealing with graduation, sterling scholar, scholarship applications, registering for college etc. It was probably a good thing in the end. 

I am taking a long drive in the morning and I will be super glad when the week is over as I am really tired.

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