
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Good News From Japan

I slept for 15 hours straight after taking some Tylenol and Sudaphed. I shared how stressful yesterday was and how I had a headache. I have actually had about four days of headaches this past week with storms so I think my body had just had enough. 

I woke very disoriented to Princess Five asking if I was feeling "ok" as she was a bit worried about me. I was feeling better but the headache has come back. I am late blogging today but got some great news from Japan.
The following is a message from the office secretary letting me know Princess arrived and I appreciated the note and I do believe Princess Four "is a ray of sunshine!" as the secretary wrote! Here is her email in entirety. 

"This morning I had the wonderful opportunity to meet your darling daughter.  What a bright ray of sunshine and happiness!!  She will be a great missionary with her smile, her enthusiasm and her desire to serve the Lord.  It is a pleasure to be in the same mission with her.  Thank you for sending such a sweet young woman to Japan!  I look forward to getting to know her better and to watch her progress in this mission.  If you ever have any questions that I can help you with, please feel free to email me.

With a happy heart,
Office Secretary"

I then got an email from Princess Four letting me know she arrived safely and what a wonderful surprise to find out that her first "companion" who will show her the ropes and how things work, their family moved to a town about 15 miles from our town about a year ago and Princess Five knows her brother! Seriously, what are the chances of that?!? I personally don't know anyone in Sapporo and the last person I know to have gone there as a missionary is older than I am. So to have a family move near us, and their daughter was already in Sapporo and is now my sweet girls senior missionary, God had to have his hand in that! 

Below is Princess Fours first email from Japan ~

The Keyboards here are fun, but I am doing so well!!!! I absolutely love it here. Everything with flights and driving was great. I slept on a rock hard futon, so I hope they all aren't rocks. If they are that's ok! I am happy. i tried Nato this morning, and my companions name is Cutie Pie (obvious name changed). Her family just moved to (15 miles from our home)!! What!? "Princess Five" be friends with her brother in your grade!

I love you all very much! Aishiteimasu!
So grateful that she arrived safely and now has a "friend" to watch over her makes me so happy. It will be interesting to see what she has to say in the next few weeks as she learns the language. 
I am SO Blessed! 

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