
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

First Week in Japan - Warms My Heart

I wasn't sure when Princess Four would be able to write me from her new area and was super excited when we got this email today. She sounds great and happy and I didn't get anything in a "mom" email other than she is super happy and gets her iPad next week so she will be able to write more then. So, my stress level can lighten knowing she is safe and happy and has a companion with her that she gets along with and can talk with in English. I worried she would have a Japanese companion and wouldn't be able to speak with her so I am VERY grateful that she has someone to talk with as that is important to her. 

As you can see, she is being blessed and I also feel very blessed! Enjoy her email until next time..... 

"Hello Beautiful People! 
This is going to be short and sweet because I don't have an iPad. So I'll just tell you about the miracles this week! I also can't send pictures because of this reason, so enjoy this MTC picture of two girls from my church at home.

Miracles of the week....
I got to call my mom from Japan because my calling card didn't work, and a nice Japanese couple living in Ohio visiting Japan let me borrow their phone, and they paid for the minutes. They will be blessed!
I made it to Japan.

The futons here are rock hard, but I'm so tired that I sleep with no problem! Its the best!
God has given me lots of cute songs that he loves me.

MY COMPANION "Cutie Pie" IS THE BEST! SHE IS FROM MONTANA BUT HER FAMILY MOVED TO 15 miles from my family!!!!!!! I went to school with her cousins. We went to the same youth conference once. She is an angel. I love her so much. We are best friends already.
There aren't any investigators in my mission, "Fun Spot",(I also totally guessed which area I was going to, so that was crazy) but that just means that I get to find some brand new investigators. the work might have been slow, but don't worry. Ill fix that.

I got to eat all you can eat sushi today!! I ate sea urchin. So you know. That was pretty exciting.

We saw a mom and daughter shoveling snow, so we asked to help. They said they were building a fort, but that we could help! We did of course. They invited us in for pancakes. They are the cutest family. It was the mom. two daughters, 12 and 9, and a little boy who is 5. THEY WERE SO CUTE!! They google mapped our houses which was fun. haha The dad came in and was surprised to see two white girls in his home, but they were so nice. I can feel the waters of baptism...... that might just be all the feet of snow, but you know. Good things will happen here. I know it! My companion said that people letting us in was not normal, so thanks for guiding our path Serei(Holy Ghost)

I am so happy here. I don't understand what is being said most of the time, but I'm good at smiling.
 Teaching Eikaiwa(English Class) is way fun! I love the Japanese people!
Have such a good week. Choose good things. That's why we have agency!! Love you lots! Ai shiteimasu!
Love,  Shimai"

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