
Thursday, December 22, 2016

DrainWig - Easy Way To Keep Hair Out Of The Drain

I found this cool thing at a second hand store this past week. 
Having had five daughters with long hair all their lives, I have had my share of drain clogs. 

I have three bottles of drain cleaner in my "stash" and have had to use them over the years. 
I have also had to unscrew the tub drains and "snake" the drains several times but it has been less and less as the girls leave.  

Princess Five lived with my uncle for a year going to her senior year of high school at a theater arts school.  

We visited him a few years ago after she lived there and we had a funny conversation about how much hair they found in their drain after she left. 
She then shared that she had cleaned it out several times while living there. My uncle has all boys but one daughter who didn't have long hair and it isn't thick so it was quite funny and they couldn't believe she had cleaned it out. I could verify that she had as I remember telling her how to take off the cover and get the hair out.  
I have taught my girls to clean the drain guard after every shower as the hair collects fast but the item I found at the second hand store for $.75 is great if it works. 
It is called "DrainWig" and is something I have never seen in any form before. It is a cheap chain with what looks like little rubberbands tied to it at different intervals and directions to catch the hair. 

You thread it through the drain once you have cleaned it out. I had to push it through which took a minute. I think it all depends on how big your drain holes are. I think in my upstairs shower, it would have just slid through but in the tub shower, I had to push the elastic portions through.  
Once you have it through, it snaps into place and then you turn on the water so that the chain goes down the drain rather than balling up at the top. I was worried it may slow the drain but Princess Five tried it out and said it worked fine so we will see how it works in the next few months and I will let you know. 
With the family getting together this week, it will be a good test as most still have very long hair so I will post about it when I take it out and let you see how it worked. 

I searched online as it says it was sold on TV and online and it costs $5 each. If you go through one every 3 months, it would be $20 a year but you can only buy them in the "buy two get two free" format for $20. 

Still, $20 a year is cheaper than a plumber and if it is as easy as it states, it is much easier than a hanger, or a snake / plunger. It is less caustic than drain cleaner so it may be worth it if you have lots of kids with long thick hair!  

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