
Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Eyes Have It - Gallbladder Surgery Coming My Way

Once again I didn't get much off my list today. Daylight savings is not my favorite American past time. 

As you can see by the picture at the top, my eyes are turning yellow. Several tests later, they all came back normal. Good news is that it isn't liver or pancreatic cancer! So, the only other thing that turns you yellow is hepatitis which it isn't so it has to be gallbladder!

I met with the surgeon today and we discussed the symptoms of Gallbladder Disease and I had every one. I told him that I didn't know if it was due to hereditary as my sister, mother, daughter, niece, cousin etc have all had theirs out or if it is a symptoms of the weird parasite that I have been diagnosed with but either way, it needs to come out. 

He sent in a student first and I have to share that I am really frustrated with the hospital and offices as they always have students. I spend about 45 minutes with the student for them to go out and tell the Dr. what the issue is and then about 15 minutes later, due to their conversation, they Dr. comes in and I get to retell the issues to the Dr.  

I am all for learning and students following but when it takes hours out of my day, I don't understand why the Dr. can't come in with the student and I tell the things I am dealing with once and have it over in 15 minutes. 

It was funny however when the surgeon came in and said, "We can't find any documentation on the parasite you have been diagnosed with." Well, if he had come in for the "telling" he would have known that before he spent time looking. ha ha. 

Truly it wasn't that bad but since I have been dealing with hospitals all year with my mother, then Princess Five's accident and then my own health stuff along with getting Princess Four's medical needs taken care of before her mission, you can imagine how many hours of my time has gone to telling PA's, students, medical assistants etc the needs for the day only to get to repeat it later. I think I am just done with Dr's and hospitals for the year. 

However, I will be getting my gallbladder out almost four years nearly to the day that Princess Two had hers taken out. You wonder how I know this for truth, because we were in doing medical prescreens on the day of the election four years ago! She had her gallbladder out Thanksgiving weekend and I am having mine taken out the Monday after Thanksgiving. 

I could have had it taken out Monday but Princess Four leaves for her mission on Thursday and I couldn't do that to her on her last few days so I opted to postpone it. 

I struggled all week being super tired and my stomach being upset and I haven't gotten anything done on the house for winter such as cleaning out the gutters, trimming back the trees that are filling the gutters and cutting down the decorative grass and shrubs in the front as well as winterizing the sprinklers. 

Just to make myself feel like I had done something great today, I transplanted the peach tree that volunteered in my garden area to the front yard where I took out the dying nectarine tree. I need to water it for a few day and then I can get the sprinklers turned off after fertilizing the grass for winter etc. 

Truly, I need a few weeks to get this stuff done before surgery anyway. I don't want to have to stress all winter that those things didn't get done so it is good I am waiting until after she goes and things calm down some. 

She wanted to go and vote today. I also wanted to vote but hated knowing that either way, I wouldn't be happy with the outcome. I liked that she was super excited to get an "I voted" sticker though and it is always fun voting in a small town as we always run into friends and get to visit. Truly though, I am really going to miss this beautiful woman! Isn't she the funniest making the "I voted" stickers into Mickey's ears! She just LOVES Disney!

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