
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Senior Night - Bitter Sweet

Tonight was Senior Night at the high school as it was their last football game. They take the seniors and invite the parents and they announce the student and parents before the football game. 
Usually, it is a big deal as it is the Seniors last event. Their last day playing football. Their last time to cheer a football game. Their last time dancing on the field for drill.  
For Princess Five, it is extremely sad as she never even got to dance on the football field this year. All those expectations but no way to change what "is" presently. 

We got to see friends and get a few pictures, but the best of the night was when she came off the field, all the drill girls ran over and hugged the seniors. 
It made her feel included and when they got dressed for their "zombie" dance they included her in the picture of the team. It made her feel good to be able to be included even though she wasn't able to dance. 

It was my last time at senior night on the field but I really don't feel sad about that. But, I was sad that I didn't get to see Princess Five dance this year. There is still basketball season and the competition season but we will have to see how it works out. She is improving daily but still not able to do anything fast or carry any weight. 

Thanks for all the prayers in her behalf. I know they have been working.   

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