
Tuesday, August 16, 2016

You Spin Me Round - Grand-Prince One Turns a Month Old

Princess One had a baby last month and it seems like a year since we got to see this cute little man! Can you believe how much he looks like his mom as a baby and his sister as a baby in this picture below?

We were supposed to head up the morning after Princess Five's accident but for obvious reasons, we didn't go. My life has been non stop this summer and it doesn't look like it is going to slow at all. 

I have piles of papers on my table for calls that need to be made about insurance issues and back to school registration stuff etc.

We have a different appointment every day and sometimes two. Today, it was the orthodontist as her teeth have moved and not from the accident so he glued her retainer and said it would be good to check her teeth after the accident with an x-ray at the dentist to make sure that there isn't some hidden issues with the hard blow she took to the jaw when she hit on the drivers side when rolling the car. 

We also started with the physical therapist which was good. He reaffirmed my stance on her wearing her sling to school as she really doesn't want to wear it when she leaves the house but people hug and bump her and she can't move her arm much and the head of the humerus is still hanging out of place so it was good for him to go over it as she didn't wear it to church and as she walked in, someone put their arm around her and squeezed right where she hit the door on her left arm and it is still bumped and bruised and numb. I went home and got the sling.... 

I miss the grand kids and wish I were closer so I could enjoy them more but I will take what I can get. I asked Princess One to send me some pictures and these were the photos she sent and they were all in different angles so I left them upside down and sideways as they are cute at any angle. 

I can't believe how long his cute little feet are! I placed an "order" for a little foot print as I want to compare it to my kids. They are just so flipping cute!!!! Do you just want to run your fingers through his soft hair? I am so excited that we get to see him in a few weeks but I have LOTS going on before then to get done so I am hoping I can check lots off the list before going so we can really enjoy the time with them. I have some friends coming in from New Zealand right after that and my house is a nightmare as you can imagine so wish me luck on getting what I need to done so I can enjoy both visits! 

He looks like a boxer in the picture above! Does it look a little like he is trying to punch his sister in the last picture? ha ha.
She is being so great with him! Yea for grandkids. Best part of my world along with my kids of course!

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