
Friday, August 5, 2016

Wonderful Neighbors - Totally Blessed

I have a super busy day and it is 4:44 a.m. and I need to get this done as I need to pick up Princess Five from a camp that she attended this week. 

I forgot to share the other night about some great neighbors and friends that brought us dinner on the night we got home from the hospital and we had enough for the next few days. 

It was so wonderful not to have to worry about something for them to eat while I was taking care of Princess's every need. She wouldn't be happy I was posting this picture of her eating but she was sore all over and the food they brought was just so light and perfect for her. 
They had fresh rolls, homemade cookies, fresh fruit cut up, fresh made chicken salad, homemade salsa and chips. 

Another sweet friend owns a pizza place and brought over a pizza for the girls and a gourmet pizza that was gluten free for me! 
They also gave us a huge bag of romaine lettuce which is my favorite and it was washed and cut and ready for salads! 

Truly, the food was just what we needed when we needed it! So, THANK YOU Jan, Jean, and Melissa for your thoughtful gift of wonderful food! 

It has been many years since I was in need of someone bringing in a meal so it was wonderful to have it when it was so needed. I do have to say that Melissa is quite good at knowing when we may need a pizza in our busy life and brings them just when they would be appreciated. 
Also, Princess Four was great to bring me a salad at the hospital when I hadn't eaten all day with my migraine and so it was the only thing I had eaten all day! I am so blessed with people who will feed me when needed! I love and appreciate you all!

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