
Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Three Days at the Lake - Kinda

Our family takes three days off near the end of the summer and my dad and his wife pay for a group sight at a lake so we can all enjoy our family time. 

With everything going on, I didn't want to take the trailer as Princess Five wouldn't be there due to a leadership camp. Princess Two just went full time and work and doesn't have any vacation time yet. 

Princess One just had a baby a month ago and Princess Four is moving home from college so I figured I wouldn't need to take it but could just go during the day the first day and the head up to pick up Princess Five. 

I got a call from Princess Three who just started working full time a few months ago as well but she has worked lots of overtime and has vacation days to use so she called and asked if she could help me get the trailer ready and do whatever would help. 

I thought that was REALLY nice of her as she doesn't often venture home. I figured I needed to take the trailer when Prince One said he would be coming with Grand-Princess One. This news made my week!!!! I LOVE seeing them. I enjoy any time I get with any of them as we don't get to see them very often either. 

Grand Princess ran until she dropped. She swam but then a storm came in and it got cold so we decided to play the new game "munchkin" that Princess Three purchased for Prince one as it is in the them of "The Nightmare Before Christmas" which is his favorite movie. 

They only stayed that one day and I had to leave very early to go pick up Princess Five 6 hours driving so they left while I was gone to go to his family reunion. I was SO grateful that even with Princess One home with the newborn, he was willing to make the long drive to spend time with us! 

I never actually saw the lake as I was so busy with life but from the smiles, I am guessing they all had fun! Princess Five didn't actually see the lake either but with her hurt arm, I don't think that was the first thing on her list.

Here is a link to the lake 2013. 
Here is a link to the lake 2015.

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