
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Happy Birthday To Me - Blessed Day

 It was my birthday recently. I am to the point where it doesn't seem to matter much to me as it is just another day in life. I can't eat much anymore and I have never really enjoyed cake or cupcakes and now I know that has to do with my gluten allergy. 

I have so much going on in my world and even forgot it was my birthday until Princess Once and her husband called to sing to me. 

The girls did make it wonderful as the night before right at midnight, Princess Four and Five came to my room and sang to me just before my phone rang and Princess Two called wanting to be the first to wish me a "happy birthday" as that has become somewhat of a competition in our family. 

Princess Three texted while I was on the phone wishing me "happy birthday" and love. My dad and his wife took the prize along with one of my New Zealand host families by sending me cards that arrived before the big day. 

My dad and his wife sent me some cash and had me in tears as they both wrote on the card. They told me to do something that would take my mind off my stressful life but also wrote words of love, sharing how they admire me for how I raised my girls and how I can stretch my finances etc. 

I was truly in tears. It only got worse when I called to thank them for the lovely card and they shared that they want to help pay for Princess Fours mission as they did her sisters by paying $100 a month to help support her on her mission. 

They have done this for every grandchild that has served and I am truly grateful as at times, they have seven missionaries out and with that $700 a month, they could have bought a bigger house, nicer trailer, or new cars. 
They have never complained and are so gracious to do that for our family. I pray I will have the resources at that point in my life to continue with their generous tradition with my grandchildren. 

Princess Four and Five posted little sticky notes all over my room, door, bathroom etc with things they "love" about me. It was funny because at first, I didn't see the notes on my bedroom door as they were light like my door but when I got into the room, they used different colors of notes so they stood out a bit more. 

I kept finding them as the night went on and even when I went to bed, closed the door and turned out the light, I saw some on the mirror on the back of the door and had to get up and turn the light on so I could read them. It was sweet to see what they had written.

We got pizza's for dinner and Princess Four bought me beautiful "queen" roses as that was their name along with 2 containers of my favorite ice cream, at the moment, called "Heavenly Hash" to enjoy. 

Princess Two surprised us all showing up the next day with some fun movies as gifts and helped us clean out a few things which was wonderful along with taking some stuff for her sister who she will see before we will. 
I got a few emails from my siblings but was a bit teary when I didn't get a call from my mother who always called me to sing to me. She usually made up some funny lyrics to "happy birthday" and I had saved my song that she left on my voicemail last year. I played it and shed a tear as it is my first birthday without my mother...... I miss her and her birthday is coming up soon and I will miss her then as I always called to sing to her as well. 
It was a great birthday with messages of love from those that matter. I loved this last note they put on my desk drawer that said, "I love how you always give gratitude." It made me smile. 

My favorite birthday present is that Princess Four got her mission call.....You will have to wait until tomorrow to find out where she is going......

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