
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Trusting God With First Grandson

Since Princess One had such a difficult time having her baby, she stayed at the hospital an extra night just to get her blood count back up. We had a better night last night with Grand Princess One who only woke once during the night and then early this morning but went back to sleep for about an hour.

I am so grateful that Princess Five came with me as she gets up in the early hours and I take the night so I have some help. I remember being super tired after Grand Princess One was born as I was up lots in the night with her.
I guess the little guy had a rough night and gave his parents a run for the first half of the night last night so they were tired when they came home. I didn't want to take a nap as I had a hard time sleeping last night so they all took a nap and I bought some groceries and ran a few errands around town before starting dinner. 

I had to stick the picture of the large "binky" in as Princess One had a picture with that in her hospital bassinet and we took one with Grand Princess One with it so she wanted one with Grand Prince One with it. 

As you can see by the picture of Prince One at the top smiling at his son who is looking and giving eye contact, and by the one with his daughter here, he is a WONDERFUL father. 
I am constantly amazed at how kind and caring and gentle he is with his kids. Even when he is tickling, wresting, etc, he is gentle with them. It is something I am not used to seeing so I joy in it every time! 

As we left the hospital for the last time, guess what was in the empty parking slot next to my car? I had to call to Princess Five who was on the other side of the car so she could see it. She didn't even have to look, she said, "A penny?" She knew. 

You always worry when you are leaving someone at a hospital and when they have had some complications, the worst scenario goes through your mind as a nurse because you have experienced the worse scenario! I was a bit stressed and seeing that penny on the ground was just what I needed to hand the worry to God knowing he had just given me a sign to "trust in Him!" I am so BLESSED!

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