
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Subscribers "Cure" to Get Parasites Out Of Body Fast - USE CAUTION

A woman wrote me recently sharing that she had tried the following method to get parasites out of her body fast. She ended up taking an ambulance ride to the ER. You can see the following pictures she sent me in a few collages where her eye swelled etc. She sent me some videos of "white" stuff on her skin but I couldn't see clearly enough that it was worms. There are pictures of white stuff on her face in the pictures she sent along with sores etc. She shows her face clearing up at the end. 

I think she was courageous to try doing something about the parasites but it scares me how desperate people are for a cure. I had another person write yesterday and today saying they have been suffering with this for 12 years. EVERY PERSON that write is looking for some help and cure. I can't give them that. I suggest vitamins and share openly on my youtube channel and on my blog here what I have tried and how it worked for me. Recently I tried taking Pyrantel on for a few days and off for a few days as I know they don't like it from the first time I took it but I didn't see any die off symptoms or great reactions where I felt better or worse. 

I had to cancel my Dr. apt as Princess One had her baby so I haven't seen my Dr. in some time. I hope that the CDC will get with the program and figure this parasite out and a test for it so that people can get correct diagnosis for this rather than being told they are crazy! 

Here is her letter and what she did trying to get them out. She had some relief but ending up at the hospital probably isn't going to work and if you infestation is large, something this dramatic could probably kill you. I don't think it is a solution for most but it has helped her clear up her skin, and she said she is feeling better and her dog is also doing better. I AM NOT SUGGESTING THAT ANYONE TRY THIS but am giving you the information she shared with me. There has to be a solution out there that isn't this dramatic! 

"Thanks for writing back so soon! OK, so is what I've tried and experiment with that worked for me:

Drink two tablespoons of tumeric with a two cups of water and six freshly squeezed lemons. Drink this slowly just to gage how you feel as this is going to make the parasites lively. Like you said, once you have something on you they don't like, they will scatter, usually to the extremities (hands and feet). I drank this at the start of my cleanse/cure. I can say that I was heavily infested, more than I had even imagined.

At the same time, prepare and use this topical solution: tumeric and coconut oil paste. Warning: this is going to get messy and tumeric will stain anything it gets on so lay something down to cover carpets and do not wear anything you value. Bleach will get the stains out of countertops and tubs though. I applied this from the head down, starting around my eyes including eyelids. This is so they leave the eye area first and migrate down. I immediately put paste on my throat, paying close attention to my thyroid and lymph nodes (we don't want them staying here or spreading this way either). They will start coming up very quickly. There will be very sticky larva that come up and if you don't get if off your skin quickly, they will sink back in. I found using paper towel and wiping in a deep tissue massage style down my forearm effective for pressing the larva and eggs out of my skin. I could hear popping sounds sometimes and then I'd also see black stick like debris appear and I've assumed those are the horse hair worms dying and coming apart up through the skin.

Then to rinse off and get more of the critters out, take a bath using the six squeezed lemons and boiling them with some cinnamon ( to extract the lemon oils off the peel). I kept this off to the side in the small pot I boiled it in. I ran a bath, just warm water and got in, fully submerging. This is to encourage the worms into the water they so love. A few minutes in, I add the boiled citrus water and poured it all into the tub. I used the lemon peels to rub into my legs to get the sticky larva out. I drained the tub and took a shower to scrub the rest and as I was washing I could feel this massive shedding. Like a strawberry loosing it's seeds. It was amazing!

I used the topical on my face again and this caused under my left eye to swell. I think now it was because there was so much die off in my face, white blood cells were rushi g to that area and caused the inflammation and blister like lump on my face. I drank more of the lemon juice, tumeric and water drink the next day as well and that was when everything decided it was coming out. I got massive pangs of anxiety to where my entire body was shaking and then would switch to periods of euphoria and drowsiness. It would go back and forth. Then little white larva came out of just about all my pores, my face, neck and arms. I called and ambulance to get me and they took me to the ER. I wasn't sure what was going to happen or if I pushed it too far somewhere along the way.

I got the the hospital and then I could feel my feet swelling. The bottoms felt like they were filling up with worms (I know they were). The dr's at the hospital treated me like I was insane and insisted what I was saying could not possibly happen. I was seen hours later when my symptoms had subsided already. I believe that was the worst of the die off symptoms. I slept the next two days and my face is clearer than its been in ages. The acne/ worm scars I think will fade as well. I'll send you some photos if you like.

Oh also, the day after the hospital, I peed the morning after and my urine was brown. In the middle is a white lump. I took a picture more zoomed in and it looks like a coiled mass of worm. My urine progressively got light and had less particles in it throughout the day.

Today has been the best feeling day I've had in what seem like a lifetime. My dog had the same thing, I could see the symptoms in him too. I gave him a smaller dose of tumeric mixed with peanut butter. He's been on it for a few days and he's like a whole new pup! He went through some die off also and we slept loads together. We are both much much happier already!

Let me know if you have any questions, I hope this brings you peace and an end to this torture. Thank you for sharing your story and feel free to pass on to your audience."

The pictures at the bottom are her urine and how dark it was along with stuff that she passed. It looks like there is oil in the toilet but that would be from the lemons peels and seeds is my guess. If you blow up the top right urine picture, you can see squiggly worms that look like the ones under my skin when I soak in peroxide. I have to share that I can see "things" in my urine as well so it isn't a shock to me that she has them if she has the same parasite. 

Ultimately, this is just me sharing her story. Lets hope not many more people have this story to share! It is scary to read about! 


  1. This is what is happening to me every day for a month since I started taking DE for a parasite cleanse. . I also bleed when I wipe right a darker brownish colour. Its as if there is a cyst opening upon pressure. I know there is a larger cyst in my vaginal wall because it causes pain often. The lighter I wipe, the less bloody-strings (worms I know it!) Are there. If I apply pressure, it's like having a period-like wipe.

    My face looks like hers right now because in the warmer weather, I add lemons to my water...I think.
    It seems to be every 5 or 6 weeks my face breaks out like this but it's also every 5 to 6 weeks, I snap my lid and get fed up and try a new remedy.

    My dentist is the only one who believes me as hes seen them. His heart is still attached so he actually sat with me and researched your videos and site as well as my own videos I took. He told me to rinse with peridex and turmeric mixed...They are eating my teeth and gums. I have numerous painful lesions in my mouth and the worms pour out of those lesions and now my nostrils especially at night. It's terrible. The turmeric is definitely effective but so effective and so quick, it causes excruciating pain instantly from swelling.

    They still haven't diagnosed me yet I've given my doctor your website and the different tests you did to get answers.... so they keep putting me back on flagyl which makes everything worse within an hour of taking the first dose. Keeps showing guardian parasite but he doesn't clue in to follow what I've studied for over a year now as I slowly die from all the symptoms. It's so upsetting.

    I'm still waiting (since october) to hear from the neurosurgeon as well for removal of a large brain cyst.

    This whole thing is a nightmare. How have you managed for so long? My symptoms started about 4 years ago after I took kids to cuba.... but the last year has been almost unbearable and honestly feels like a could die from this some days. Please, what are the main things you use daily that help you keep going I hate my kids seeing me this way. It's going to ruin them.

    1. Be cautious using Flagyl/metronidazole -there are reports it can cause brain lesions

  2. My heart aches for your situation. I get these type of comments so often. I am trying to make my body healthier and make it less enjoyable for them to live. I am walking vigorously which makes them leave the lungs and blood and burrow into the muslcles. Not a cure, but I am taking a handful of vitamins daily trying to heal my leaky gut and make my body less acidic.

    I feel them in my mouth and teeth all the time now and am rubbing rosemary oil on the neck / face for a short relief and also put a drop of thieves oil from young living oil in my mouth when I feel them in my teeth and mouth in the night.

    I don't have a cure. I use Lugols iodine directly on the sores and then let it air dry and then put diatomaceous earth on top of the sore area so that if any leave due to the iodine, they die from the DE. I color my hair with hydrogen peroxide every three weeks which keeps them out of my head to some extent, but they still like the mouth and nose area.

    I am constantly trying new things. Check out my youtube channel and watch the newest video I posted sharing several things I have tried recently with no results.

    I am glad your Dentist at least is listening and giving you suggestions. The Dr's really don't know what to do with it even if you prove you have them. Basically, if you can get some worms and send them in contact solution in a little glass jar, send in a note saying where you got them out of your body and the date and time and that you have all the symptoms of someone who was diagnosed with Horsehar Nematomorpha but would like the worms identified so you can get the right treatment. Hopefully, if more people can get diagnosed, then we can get more funding for testing and studying them.

    I wish I had more to offer you. I am just treating symptoms as they come while researching and trying new things regularly. I wish us both well.

    Try taking a really good multivitamin and mineral supplement, grinding them into a powder before taking them so they are easy to digest. I also take st. Johns Wort to help assimilate them. Also some probiotics which will help your gut heal. Hopefully if we make it hard for them to thrive, they won't propagate so fast. Don't lose hope. I feel like I am dying a slow death as well but then I think of my kids who are all suffering and then about their children and know I need to find a cure!

    Have a blessed day!
