
Monday, July 11, 2016

Fourth Of July - Firework Fun with Family

Due to the arrival of "baby brudder" on the fourth of July, Grand Princess One got to celebrate a few times this year. 
After visiting mom and baby at the hospital on the 4th, they wanted us to do some "festive" things with her on that day.

We didn't want to do sparklers without her parents there to see so Princess Five took her outside and let her do "Snaps" for about an hour on the 4th as we waited for the fireworks to start. 
At first, she couldn't get the "throw" thing down and would drop them and then step on them. It was really cute in reality and I got several pictures of her trying to "throw" them down and then stepping on them to get them to snap.  

After that, we put out a blanket but the fireworks were all around so finally, Princess Five stuck her on her shoulders and just walked around pointing to whatever firework was going off at the time. 
We got tired of waiting for the city fireworks and got her bathed and ready for bed just as the big fireworks started. We didn't go out to watch as we had her in bed and were tired ourselves.

We missed the "big" fireworks but enjoyed fully the fireworks in our family and with our family this week. As you can see in this picture, she got a bit scared by the big booms and put her hands up to her face taking in a big breath. 
She did like seeing the colors in the sky and reacted like we all do seeing something beautiful but her animation and screams were so cute. I couldn't video as it was dark but wish I still had the Panasonic video camera that had technology to video in the dark. I have some great videos of the older girls when little from that camera. 
We had fun when mom and baby came home this week doing a few sparklers in the yard. Since she goes to bed before dark, we did them in the daytime. They are trying really hard to get back into their normal routine as dad has to be back at work this week and his partner is taking this week off and he took this past week off so it should be a busy week for "dad." 
I loved this shot of her being carried in to get ready for bed, she looked so cute looking at me over Princess Five's shoulder but I think it is clear that she is tired. It was a VERY long day for us all as you can tell by my short blog that day

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