
Friday, June 10, 2016

Fun Retreat with a Rainbow in the End

Princess Five and I went on a week retreat with a group of youth in 4H. They allowed me to go as they needed more drivers so I was able to spend time with Princess Five and enjoy some fun activities or at least take some great pictures of her and lots of teens enjoying the activities. 

I still have a few other things from last week that I want to blog about but things are still a bit crazy so I hope that I catch up. You know if you read my blog, that I have shared that sometimes, I take pictures of events and think I posted about them but then get so much going on that I never do post about them so hopefully I can get to it. 

One of the events of last week was to attend a "Fun Center" where they had laser tag and miniature golf. Thing were fun for the kids and Princess Five enjoyed getting to play laser tag and make new friends. She was cute as she has been raised with me taking pictures so she knows when I call her name, she stops and lets me get a good photo. Some of the kids ran around so quickly that I couldn't get a good photo. Others, they caught on and would pose for them. Princess didn't pose but would stop for a second knowing it had to focus. It was interesting as I hadn't really thought much about things like that but some kids were asking why I took so many photos. 

She answered that she "was raised with me blogging" and I truly use my camera daily. We talked about how it really is a journal of her life as there are so many posts about her activities and performances that over a third of her life is documented by my blog. 

I basically was the photographer of the week and went into three laser tag groups and when I came out, I wanted to find Princess Five's group and take photos, so I asked the manager how to get to the golf as I knew she was in there and he asked if I wanted to go to the beginning or end. I said "end" as she had been in there for some time. 

I walked into the last hole and the first thing I saw was a rainbow. I couldn't help smile as it was "The Wizard of Oz" theme at the last hole. If they had done that theme at any other hole in the place, I probably wouldn't have seen it as they were on the second to last hole when I found them. I never saw the theme to any of the other holes but the last two. If you don't know the significance of that, click here for a post about that.

I couldn't help feel like my mother was watching down on me again. It was just so interesting as I have seen rainbows or heard songs with rainbows and even the song Princess Five chose to sing for her pageants has "rainbows" in it. I see them or hear about them almost daily. The girls and I laughed the other day when two songs came on in a short time with rainbows in them. It is so crazy to me as I never heard any song about rainbows on the radio before. Who knew there were so many songs about rainbows? I guess Kermit knew as he sings "Why are there so many songs about rainbow" but it wasn't something that usually comes up on the pop stations we usually listened to at home.
The last event I wanted to share was the last night we were on our retreat. It was a back stage tour of an outdoor theater and watching opening night of "Tarzan" and they are also doing "Peter Pan" there so we got to see the sets for that as well. 

Princess Five posed as "Wendy" with her "Peter Pan" on the tour. It was cute as all she wanted with all the different sets was to get one with the bedroom set from Peter Pan. 

She had so much fun making new friends and getting to know some she had met at different conferences before a bit better. I also enjoyed getting to meet and know new people. I realized that I miss meeting new people as I don't seem to get out much to do things for myself much anymore but keep really busy with my mom and my kids and I really miss meeting new people as I have always loved meeting people and making new friends. 

You can clearly see by the huge smile on her face in the last picture that she really had a great time at the retreat. It was wonderful as we were able to get free tickets to the show, dinners, fun center, hotel and cabin stays, and entrance to several national parks so it was a really fun trip for us as she had friends to hang out with other than just her old mother. I also had fun visiting with new people and getting to take some adorable photos of my Princess!   

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