
Friday, May 27, 2016

Miss 1600 - Six Years and 1600 Posts

I somehow in the craziness of my life this past month missed my birthday on the blog! I started my blog six years ago almost to the day my mother died. It was so weird to look that up today. I journal each of my blogs daily and when I saw the 1600 post I thought I missed my birthday. I didn't remember exactly what day I started the blog but remembered it was near the end of school so I looked up my first post over six years ago now and laughed when I saw I was giving gratitude for a dehydrator I found. I think I can say that it isn't my only post about being grateful for dehydrators. 

I have FOUR going right now in my kitchen! They each have many trays and I will post next week more about that but it is after 2 a.m. and today was busy so I am just going to celebrate my big 1600 and six years and let you know that it has been wonderful being able to journal my world for my girls these past 6 years. The two youngest girls commented on how they like my blog as it has been mostly what they know and it is a journal of their lives. 

My internet is SUPER slow and I was on with the company again and this time, they hung up on me and never called me back and the repair guy never showed up so my guess is he doesn't know how to fix it but my internet is as slow as it has ever been taking 4-6 hours for a 3-7 minute video depending on the day and how much rain we have had. 

Here is a link to my first blog post ever. It was simple and so is this one! I am grateful to those of you who have stuck with me for those many years!  Happy six years!

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