
Friday, May 13, 2016

Internet Frusration and Sorting Mom's Jewelry AGAIN

I can't share how frustrated I am with my internet! I for some reason can get it on my devices but when I try to get it on my laptop, I can't get it. 

It keeps stopping due to rain and then I have to unplug it and reset it over and over and I was hoping after the repair guy came and saw it wasn't at my house, he would be able to figure out where the problem exists. Not so. 

I am going to insist on getting a refund for the "faster" internet that I have never gotten. In a small town, there aren't many options. 

I also went through the rest of the jewelry we found at my mom's house and I can't believe how much jewelry she had and how little value there is in the jewelry. I have two gallon bags of broken or only one earring and each time we would find another bag or drawer of jewelry, we would find more matches. 

I have nearly 2 banana boxes full of jewelry that my sisters and I need to go through together and I have trinkets that we are going to give out at another family event with antique marbles, Indian marbles, pins, etc for the boys and for the girls, we kept linens, little perfume bottles, little scissors, fans, etc for each of them. 

I thought there was more sewing stuff but really, there were three jars of old buttons and then a cool basket and sewing box and some old wooden thread bobbins so hopefully we can get those sorted and distributed soon so I can get rid of the three boxes at my house. 

I have a half box of jewelry that didn't get taken when we offered it at the funeral so my sister had an idea to give it out at the "tree festival" this Christmas when we decorate a tree in her honor. I thought that was a cute idea so perhaps we can do that as I think much of the two banana boxes, will probably go and I don't want to store it so I will be happy to get what I can gone as soon as possible.    

Hopefully, I can get my internet fixed and my house cleaned out. I am getting claustrophobic with all the stuff I have with Princess Four getting ready to serve as a missionary, she is bringing stuff home and will be moving it all home in a few months. I have all my mom's stuff as well as my own stuff I haven't been able to deal with since I had my mom so my basement still has all the Christmas bins and quilting stuff out etc. 

I really need a month with nothing going on as I still have yard work that needs doing and a couple hours a week isn't enough but I still have stuff in my car from my mom's clean out I don't want to bring in until I can refinish it so it sits in my backseat. 

I know my brother and sister are feeling the same as my oldest brother has had the brunt of thing with the financial end of the funeral and his wife is finishing the paper sorting as we gave up with about four bins left to "pre" sort to get rid of junk mail etc before we deep sort into groups etc. My youngest sister was the one that helped me clean out my mom's and still has a trailer full of stuff for herself to refinish and for me that I am not sure where to put so I had better get working on things.

I have had headaches nearly every day this week and the parasites are horrible all the sudden the past four or five days and Princess Four is home and was going to help me with sewing project but I can't get to it with all the boxes of stuff I need to get through. Princess Five is at a leadership conference serving as a jr. leader so it has been a busy week. It won't be getting better until after school is out and even then, Princess Five has something nearly ever week this summer. Her sisters Jr. year summer was just as crazy so it is to be expected. 

I am just praying I can start feeling better at some point! 

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