
Tuesday, May 17, 2016

All My Girls Got Jobs in the Past Few Weeks - Working MAY

There is still so much going on in my world that it seems like the days are flying. I can't seem to get everything I need to done in each day. I spent hours on the phone today and several days last week trying to figure out my mom's automatic withdrawals from her checking account as she has had $7.95 taken out for 30 plus years.
We think it is a life insurance policy but none of us can find an actual policy after her many moves and our many clean outs of her homes, along with her house fire, we have NO files or policy of any kind. We only have current bills and trying to figure things out is taking some time.  

With that, I got good news times 2 today. Two princesses called me telling me that they got jobs. Well, technically, one has a job but is now getting authorized for full time work with insurance and will have to "reapply" for the job but since they created the job for her, I am sure she won't have any trouble getting the job that they just created for her! 
Within the past two weeks since my mothers funeral, all four of my graduated daughters got new jobs! 

Princess One announced on April 29th that she was offered a job as an assistant coach to one of the best drill teams in the state! She is expecting a baby boy in July and even with that, they didn't wait any time to contact her after her interview and tell her she "shook their world" as they thought they knew what they wanted until she went into interview and after the interview, they changed their strategy because they were so impressed with her interview. 
They decided to hire her really part time and said that she can take the kids in as needed etc. She is going in 2 days a week if I remember right and then they will see how it goes after the baby as to what she want to do but she was super happy that they were willing to work with her. They had plenty of people interview but she was a "breath of fresh air" so she started this last week.   

Princess Two has her interview this week for the full time position and will probably start full time in a week or two. 

Princess Three got a "big girl" job last week and was offered the job within hours of the interview of 7 people out of 25 applicants and called me so excited a few days ago saying she is getting an expense paid trip to Washington DC and will be taking 2 students. She knows some people working internships at the Capitol and is hoping she can go on a tour as she missed that the time she did go to Washington. Here is a link to the post about her job.  
Princess Four called me today after her interview at 2 and told me she was offered the job but needs to get a food handlers card, a background check, current CPR and first aid cards, a health background and a TB test. She has two summer jobs working for the college making over $9 an hour but as a CNA (nurses assistant) she will be making $8.50 and will have to drive 25 minutes each way to work for a 3 hour work daily as well as paying for all the above tests.... 
She needs 200 hours to keep her license current. I told her for the 3 hours a night, she probably won't get to 200 hours and the cost of all the tests and gas driving probably won't cover the $24 a night she would make minus taxes. 

One is changing and feeding people and one is hosting teens and doing ropes courses and fun. I think she may just have to work extra hours for the college and skip keeping her CNA active unless she can find a place that will give her 12 hours shifts so she can get her 200 hours before she leaves as a missionary. 

I am SO proud of all the girls getting offered jobs and can't help wonder if my mother is working extra hard to help us in the two weeks she has been in heaven. It is amazing to me that all the girls lives have changed so much in the two weeks since we buried her. 

I wanted to share these cute pictures of the girls at the funeral as we paid for every grand child to be able to have a rose to put on the grave and every great-grandchild to have rose petals to put on the casket. I love how cute the girls are with Grand-Princess and truly, we can't wait to meet Grand-Prince One. Isn't Prince One just so cute with his little girl!?! We are so blessed to have him in our family to give some perspective of a good dad and husband to the girls! The baby has a dandelion in her one hand as she put petals on the casket with the other, she is just so adorable!        

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