
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Princess Five Running For Student Body President - CUTE Banners

Princess Five is running for Student Body President. I will most likely post about this again if she wins but wanted to do a post about her cute posters.
They wouldn't allow for any skits, campaign speeches etc so all she has to get her message across is posters. 

We went to my sisters at 10:20 a.m. on Saturday and were there until 4 p.m. and didn't get one poster finished all the way. 

My sister is the most creative person I have ever met besides my mother. We are all very inventive and creative as both of my parents are amazing talented that way. However, she gets an added measure. Her craft room would probably rival Martha Stewart's with a mix of a scrapbooker in there as she makes all sorts of things. 

She had some large pieces of brown paper that were used as table coverings on her daughters wedding tables outside so we thought it would be cute to use the brown paper for her posters. 

I took over poster paint and we got all of the words painted on and at least some ideas for the rest and the scrap embellishments to make the posters cute. 

My sister suggested running ribbons through the letters and around the edges of the poster. She used an razor (exacto knife) and made little slits the length of the ribbon she wanted to thread through the letters or edge of the poster. 

She started on the backside and made slits about ever inch or so. She taped the ribbon on the back to hold it in place. I wish I were with it enough to make a video on this but may do that when we take the posters down. 

It was hard to thread it and we did all the edges on some of the banners so I came up with a better way and got a hard straw from a water bottle and taped the ribbon to the end and used the straw to thread the ribbon through each cut in the paper and it was MUCH quicker and easier that way. 

When I was running for office my senior year, my mother made this cute poster with a mirror on the front with characters drawn around them. It said, "Guess who is voting for (my name)?" Then the person would look in the mirror. I thought it was cute. 

We did it for one of the girls running for office a few years ago and someone stole the mirrors off the poster which I thought was funny. 

Because their school is new, they won't allow them to hang things in many places and tape doesn't stick to the walls due to the "anti graffiti" coating but we didn't know that until we hung posters and had to use an entire roll plus of Duct / Duck Tape to do it. Apparently just for information sake, there is a basket ball floor tape sold at sport shops that will stick to those coated walls.

We cut a huge mirror out of reflective vinyl my sister had and then used flat ribbon and attached it with hot glue and then my sister had really huge google eyes for the "o's" in the "look" but we just made some out of paper and had the black stand up on an accordion of paper so they stood out. 

We then used melted pony beads that were made into little button dots to highlight her name or something else on the poster. You can search how to do that but it was a super cheap way to make the letters stand out. We used hot glue to put them on. 

She also had two huge bags of blue buttons so we used those on one of her posters. She had sparkling red ribbon so we cut out little reflective bling paws to put on the posters also giving more dimension and bling to them. 

The last thing we put on was some wire sparkle red star Christmas decoration as it was really easy to stick on by poking a hole in the paper and putting a little piece through and then draping it to the next hole so it kinda stuck out from the poster grabbing attention as you walk past. 

They allowed them to put them up at 6:30 on Monday morning and we spent another 4-5 hours finishing all the embellishments, gluing on paws, lacing ribbons etc. So, you wouldn't think I got much sleep this week as we worked one night until 2 a.m. to finish them. Hopefully, I will be able to share about her video another day but we also had to get that in fast. 

To hang the posters, we used a TON of tape but I wanted to hang the big one on the poles in the huge common area but it was wider than the poles so the only place we could find to grab everyone's eyes at lunch and when they enter the commons area was above the stairs. I hung over the edge while standing on a chair after we used TONS of tape on the back and edges. The sweet lunch lady gave us a floor squeegee and we were able to use that to push the tape onto the wall by sliding it across the sign

It took us an hour and a half to hang all the posters due to the difficulty of the large one. I thought the banner may fall but it seems to be holding. She didn't make any posters but did four or five banners but they could have 8 banners and five posters but the school isn't finished yet so she felt she had enough and they stand out so well that I think it will be enough. You can see how big the poster is by the tall guy standing next to it and how small Princess is at the bottom of the stairs.

Good luck Princess Five! My VOTE is with YOU this election!

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