
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Mani and Pedi Day for Grandma

My mother has asked me nearly every day for three months to finish her toenails. If you remember back the three months when she first arrived, her right big toe was REALLY infected. Click here for that post.
Then flash back a month or so to a day when she was getting two units of blood at the hospital and her toe was now healed and I was giving her a pedicure. Click here for that post. I spent hours on her feet being super careful not to cut the nails as people with low circulation and low immune system can often get infections when you cut their toenails so I mostly filed them down.

They looked beautiful except she wanted them painted. If you look at her toenail in the first post linked above, you will see she also had a horrible fungal infection. I didn't want to paint her nails until I could clear up the fungal infection. If the toenail is painted, it can't "breathe" and doesn't clear up as well. I was treating it nightly with some essential oils and it was looking good but she has been driving me nuts asking for me to paint her toenails. 

Many times now, she has suggested that I paint all the nails but the one big toe. I told her that would look silly and PROMISED her that I would not let her go home without having her toenails done. 

I actually told her if she died before returning home, I would still paint her nails before her funeral. I wasn't joking and she knew I would keep that promise. 

I have given her several manicures and have cut her nails back quite a bit each time as she is a "picker!" She is always picking at something. She will pull lint off the couch, pick stuff off the floor, (not things just crumbs) and put them on her side table. I have a towel under her because she doesn't like texture in her mouth and spits out seeds and peelings and everything else with texture that ends up in her mouth.  

She is supposed to be going home next week so I thought I would do them today so that I could focus on prom, region drama, Princess Five's choir tour along with Easter and my mom going home all in the next week. I "over-painted" them as I was sitting to the side on the floor as the tv chair set up is in front of her. The over-paint will wash off but I am not sure my back will recover as quickly. ;-)

Life will be VERY crazy this coming week but I got her car back from the mechanics today and will get it aligned tomorrow and hope that we can all get through the next week without any drama. Oh, good news, she didn't need blood again this week. Yahoo for two weeks of good again! She also made the rest of her "Healing" calls to her sister, another one of my brothers, and an uncle and now she has spoken to all of her immediate family in the past month or so. Her IV infected hand is looking great and her pink eye is almost cleared up. Yahoo for no more infections! Now, I just need to keep her from going out anymore! ha ha With her low immune system, she picks up everything.   

It will be so weird not to have my mom sitting at her spot on the couch after next week but the couch now has a squished section at that end where she always sits, not sure how I will fix that. ;-(

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