
Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Valentines Day - 2016

Princess Five had state wrestling for cheer this past weekend. Her friends called and asked if they could come and "heart attack" her room for Valentines Day. 
I thought it was really sweet that they thought of her as she wouldn't get home until late on Saturday night. She was sad her room wasn't the cleanest it has been in a few weeks but it worked out OK. 

My mother was invited to go to a concert of a performer she enjoys and she had been feeling better so I gave her a manicure and gave her a necklace that is in the shape of a crown for her gift. 
She was a national beauty queen so I thought it would be fun to give her the necklace as she doesn't have any of her jewelry as it is still in her apartment.
My sister took her to the concert giving me a few hours on my own as Princess Five was cheering and Princess Four who was planning on coming home for the weekend, decided to come the next day. 
Princess Four came home on Saturday for the weekend and we decided to go decorate Princess Five's car so that when they arrived home from cheering for wrestling, she would find her car decorated.  We put some treats inside she could share as well.
I gave each of the girls a pair of earrings. Princess Five got some 24 karat gold dipped aspen leaves to go along with a dipped leaf necklace I got when I was 18.
Princess Four got two heart pink crystals on silver for her Valentine gift and I got to speak to my other girls and my Grand Princess Number One today as well. 

My sister was going to take my mother for the night and give us the day off tomorrow but my mother woke today with no voice and had a frog in her throat yesterday.
I regret not thinking about her well being before sending her to a music hall filled with people in winter with her leukemia flaring worse than ever. 

She must have picked up something there and I fought a migraine yesterday all day yesterday and didn't give her as many treatments I should have feeling so horrible.

I also showered her last night so that I wouldn't have tired her out before church but I think that even with drying her hair etc caused it to get worse.   

I was sad to hear her with no voice this morning so we missed church and she couldn't stay at my sisters to spend the day with her kids as she we didn't want her kids to get sick. 

Princess Five wanted to pay her friends back for their "heart attack" on her room. We ventured out late tonight and decorated her friends car and Princess wanted to give her some cute PJ's she had for her as well so that was great for her to be able to give them to her on Valentines Day. 
Depending on how the day goes tomorrow, I am hoping we can celebrate tomorrow.

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