
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Friends With Amazing and Inspirational Timing

I have been having a VERY long and tiring week. I was up until 5 a.m. and woke before 7 a.m. and had a full day. My mother has been having some issues and I have not been feeling all that well.

I was taking out the trash and praying while I had a few seconds to myself about a friend of mine named Charlotte. I wasn't sure what to do to help my friend and have been so tired and behind in so many areas of life with everything going on that I wasn't sure I could help Charlotte.

After I took out the garbage, I grabbed the mail and there was a card addressed to me. I opened the card just after I had said that prayer about the situation with Charlotte and image my mouth dropping reaction when I opened this belated Valentine Card from a friend of mine. With the Monday holiday, I didn't get the card until Tuesday. If the card had made it on Saturday, It wouldn't have had the same meaning to me.

I am grateful that the mail was lost or not sent before Tuesday as I NEEDED the insight in the card on TUESDAY!

The little message at the top isn't part of the card. You can see that it was cut out of another card or printed on card-stock and then put on the "note" card.

I know that my freind could NEVER have known I would be struggling about what to do with Charlotte and couldn't have knows that the little message about just being a friend was what I needed. It let me know that I didn't need to do some fabulous and wonderful thing to help her. I just needed  to be her friend and love her that way.

I think sometimes when others are struggling with something, we tend to want to take away the trial or burden from them or "fix" whatever is amiss in their lives but in reality, most of the time, they aren't looking for someone to "fix" them or their problem. They are just looking to be heard. That was all that Charlotte needed as well. I took the advise and it was a blessing in her life and mine!

I am grateful for thoughtful friends who follow inspiration to send Valentines cards to their single friends and add a cute little saying from "Charlotte's Web" so I could get the inspiration I needed to help Charlotte! I am truly BLESSED!

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