
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Hidden Notes of Gratitude

This last week, I had a cheer competition for Princess Five. It was out of town and took most of the day. I have my mother living with me as she has been sick and being a nurse, I am trying to help her figure out what is causing her infections.  Because of the infection in her head, her memory isn't consistent and I can't leave her alone in the house. 
Even when I am home, sometimes she doesn't remember five minutes. I asked my sister if she could come and "mothersit" her for the day. 

It was a VERY long day for me as I only got a few hours sleep due to a "cheer hair" emergency and then the bus they were taking didn't have any heat so I had to take her a blanket before they left for their long ride. 

I had a long drive myself and then sitting on hard, no backed bleachers all day with my long legs and children running back and forth on my feet and knees made for a long day. 

I was so tired driving home that I had on a audio book, was eating carrots and still had Princess Five rubbing my hand to keep me awake. I was so happy to be home and thanked my sister for helping with my mom. 

As I was letting her out the front door and locking up, I noticed a cute note on the front door. I thanked her for the encouraging note and got my mom her medication before bed. 

I found a bunch of notes that night around the house. The notes were "thank you" notes from my mom and encouragement notes from my sister.

I got the biggest laugh when I opened the toilet lid getting ready for bed and found a note taped to the back of the toilet seat. I laughed and laughed about that.     

For two days now, I continue to find note of gratitude and encouragement. I found one under my pillow, one inside the bunch of bananas, one in the tissue box, microwave etc.

When I asked my mother about the notes, she giggled like a little child, it was so cute. I don't know what my sister said to her but it was the most pleasant my mother has been since arriving, asking me "please" and thanking me for everything I did for her that night. I could see that a little gratitude did wonders for my mother and she has been more pleasant since that day. 

She doesn't feel well and her memory isn't always there so I don't want you to think that my mother isn't grateful. But, I think with not feeling well, she has just expected me to take care of her. It was so nice of my sister to help me that day so I didn't have to worry about my mother but it was even nicer that she thought of a way to uplift me for days and by helping my mother find happiness by gratitude, she gave me even a better gift. 
I know that someone telling me "thank you" has made it easier for me to keep serving my mother rather than feeling like I am burdened by her. My sisters notes and gratitude also helped me feel supported by my siblings and appreciated rather than feeling unappreciated for the sacrifices I have made this month and in the past.

It makes me wonder where I have been amiss in giving gratitude to others or finding ways I could uplift them by kind words or notes. I have tried to have a better attitude following their example the past few days. Thanks Sis for your great example! 

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