
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Happy Birthday AMAZING Princess ONE

What does one say to an amazing person? I am having writers block as I have so many memories flashing through my head that I don't know where to start! 
Princess One came into my life with a little struggle but once she was here, she was here! 

She was so strong willed and had a very strong personality from the very start. I was amazed that such a little person could have such a big opinion! If she wanted something, she would let me know. 

In this picture, I spent hours getting her hair curled in foam curlers, getting her all dolled up and took her to the photographer. She REFUSED to let them take a picture. I tried when I got home and this was the only picture of the day! She was 2! Even in high school, she wasn't a fan of photos. She has gotten better and for that, I am grateful!

She was smart and learned things very quickly. She started reading before kindergarten and I wanted to skip her but the school insisted she go to kindergarten. She ended up being the teachers assistant and would read to the other kids and take things to the office etc. 
When we moved from the East Coast, I had them test her for placement as I wanted her moved ahead so she would actually learn something and she was reading over a second grade level and doing math beyond that. 
They skipped her a grade so she was the youngest in her class but that never stopped her as she graduated high school with nearly a year of college and graduated Magna Cum Laud. 

She went to college on Scholarship graduating early from college as well and by the age of 21 had a bachelors degree. She graduated in Social Work as she has always loved serving others.
She wanted to teach others and has served two service missions with our family to Peru and then as a full time missionary in the Philippines. She was missed while gone but she loved learning a new language and serving others. 
When she returned home, she asked me to teach her how to crochet. I couldn't believe once again how quickly she learns! She picked it up and then made her own patterns and started larger and more difficult patterns. She made the afghan and dress Grand Princess is wearing having made up the pattern herself! 
From there, she started weaving, bought a spinning wheel and now spins and does all sorts of amazing things sewing and makes her own patterns for sewing as well. I have yet to blog about her AMAZING Halloween creations. I need to get to that! You will also be in AWE! She is VERY talented! 
She married someone she knew for years and picked the "perfect" man. He is SUCH a good husband and father. I am amazed at all he does. He provides well for their family and this week, they moved into their first home! I am SO excited for them. I wasn't able to go help with the move since I have my mother with me but they are aware I am planning on heading up to paint and decorate if needed once my mother is well!

I can't tell in words how amazing I think Princess One is. She is SO good with the youth she works with in her church congregation and is always such a good example to her sisters. I KNOW if I ask her to do something, she WILL do it. I have no doubt as she is a "doer." I truly am blessed to have her as a daughter and know that God gave me an extra measure of amazing when he picked out my kids! 

Happy Birthday Princess! You are AMAZING!

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