
Monday, November 30, 2015

Eye of Sauron and a Cheerleader Grace Our Hall Wall of Fame

Years ago we started this tradition of having our friends and family put their thumb print on our wall. Here is a link to where I first post about this tradition.

The idea is that they paint something that represents them. It can be anything about themselves. 

I have a family member that decorates cakes and made her print into a cake.Others make things like instruments, sports, toys, movies, crafts, kids, occupations and others to grace the wall.
It is fun when someone new comes to visit and they stand looking at all the prints on the wall and usually think what they would like to put on the wall. 

Since the kids are older and we didn't start it until after my divorce, (we had all white walls while I was married) the older kids didn't have friends prints on there but Princess Five has LOTS of friends prints on there and some of Princess Four's friends also have prints on the wall. 
Princess Five never really felt like her print was representative of her as her cousin chose the item she wanted to put on the wall so she asked if we could add a new print to our wall with something that represents where she is in life. I told her she can put a new print on the wall every year showing where she is at in her life is she wants. 

I hadn't really thought about it but Prince One hadn't ever put his print on the wall and of course Grand Princess one wouldn't have it there as she is just one so we thought it was about time that we added them to our wall of Fame! 

Grand Princess HATED getting paint on her finger as she wanted to do what she wanted to do with it but after it was all done, she was really cute wanting to point to her dad's picture when I was taking the picture so we went with that. 

It was just one of the many fun things we did this weekend. I LOVE when my family gets together!!!!!

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