
Monday, August 24, 2015

The Nightmare of It All - Stongyloides Pelodera - New Strain - Horsehair, Nematomorpha, Gordian Worm - Part 8


I have been so busy lately that I have not been soaking my hands and feet in peroxide like I had been at least once a week for a few months now. With that, I have been on two types of medication where I alter taking one for a week, then going to the other for a week. 

I still have MAJOR heart pain/ burning in my lungs daily, rashes that keep moving, feeling things crawling in my lungs, throat and gut and a dry cough. One day about a week ago, I had been having the rash move around as I hadn't been keeping medication on it but just using the diatomaceous earth to try and keep it down. They seem to come out and test the waters and when they poke out and feel the powder, they just move to somewhere that doesn't have powder. 

I picture them like a worm coming out of the soil. If it feels something, it goes back in and comes out in a better spot. If you chop off part of a worm or it gets damaged, the worm doesn't die. In my head, these worms work like that. They are a round worm family worm and are called, "Thread Worm" for a reason. This is my own thinking and not clinical but it is the only explanation for why they are still thriving when I have been using stuff on the rashes for over 6 months.

I have been trying every day to get something off my list as there are so many things on the list and taking care of this was pushed to the side. I think if I focus on not feeling well, I feel worse so I try to not think about it and get something done that I can feel good about for the day. 

I have also been trying to spend more time with Princess Five as school starts soon and with Cheer and being a Student body officer and attending a new building, I think she will be very busy and typically, my girls, Jr. year has been their most difficult so I think I won't be seeing much of her soon. 

So, I have been keeping busy doing a family history project as well that I will share later but just know that I have been horrible at doing anything for the parasite problem. 

With that, I have been praying for a way to diagnose it as more of my neighbors have symptoms and random people I meet in town also have symptoms. I am not even sure how it comes up but I met a lady last week whose name ironically is Kat. She has this so bad that she has rashes up and down her limbs. She was recently hospitalized with pneumonia but she said it was so thick it was hard for them to clear up. These parasites cause hard formations of keratin. She just started with they eye symptoms and was told the same thing about "floating" threads of keratin in her eye fluid. She also has the joint pain and I found it interesting that her pneumonia was treated with Steroids which cause the worms to get worse and that is when her eye symptoms started. 

We exchanged numbers and I am going to call and see if I can take pictures of her rashes for my blog. They were so horrible you could see the parasites in some of the spots. 

Anyway, I have been praying. I had a dream this week. I was in a basement trying to get a cat / poodle mix from someone and I kept saying, "It has to be litter box trained as I don't want to get the parasites from it." The "kapoodle" which is what I named it after waking from the dream, was actually very cute but it made me realize it is a cat problem but can also be a dog problem. So, I researched "small dog and Thread worm" and after a few clicks came up with "Pelodera Strogyloides." I also found a few sites talking about how they can be diagnosed on a blood agar. I am thinking that I may try and make my own or see if our local lab can do some testing that way for me. 

The main problem with this type is it gets in the hair follicle and if you go back to the first symptoms I had about this (click here for that post) you will see that was the very first symptom I wrote about getting little bumps on my skin, hair follicle. I also mention my dreams in that post. 

It is a "thread worm" so it does have the three stages and all the other symptoms of thread worm but is isn't usually seen in the US where I am from. The only real article I could find that stated locality was about dogs in Norway. On several sites, it says it is in dogs, and cats and in humans. . .  I think we have ourselves an epidemic here! 

It is so interesting that just today, I was leading the music in church and I noticed two women in the congregation whose hair is almost gone. One lives almost directly behind my house. I wondered what would make them bald like that. This parasite can cause hair loss which is interesting because I just posted about that thinking it was the medication but even when I stopped the medication for a week, I am shedding like no other. In fact, today at church a friend was walking out of the building with me and pulled off at least 20 hairs off the back of my shirt and commented she should have sat by me to pull all the hairs off earlier. I had pulled off at least 100 this morning and during the three hours at church, and in the car on the way home, I pulled off two more. 

I have to say I am a "dream believer" as this is the third dream I have had about these parasites. The first I learned I had three parasites and one was a "cat" parasite and was affecting my head. That dream led me to go to the Dr. and then do a "search online" for throat sores, lung parasites and high white count" That led me to "thread worms."

The second, I was standing in the spot where the hospital laboratory is but it was a field. I was going about doing things that I do in my normal life and a guy in the lab helped me diagnose this parasite. In the dream it looked like little orange macaroni. I guess if you stained the parasites with iodine, they would look like little noodles. Also, two tigers were coming towards me. (Huge cats!) I was terrified that these tigers were coming towards me but when they got in front of me, they smiled and the one turned into a woman I know named "Miki" and she was harmless. 

I realized that this thing is bigger than me and that I shouldn't be afraid of it as I know God is in charge he will help find the way to diagnose it and that I am helping friends in the process. Miki lives next to a lady with a million cats and the lady leaves for long lengths of time and the cats are outside cats and I am sure she doesn't worm them. By figuring out this parasite, how to easily diagnose it and hopefully, how to treat it, I will be helping many friends and family members in the process. 

This last "Kapoodle" dream really helped me focus my search down to a few minutes and also ways to perhaps diagnose it more quickly and easily for people rather than long expensive or invasive tests. I will let you know how it goes. 

Oh, also, I started using the horse "apple flavored" ointment of Ivermectin on my rashes. it stays on better than the yeast cream / liquid medication mix I was making. Who knew? I read about someone online using it for her female parts where she was having rashes reoccurring and thought, it would probably be the best thing for rashes on any part of the body. I was grateful to her for sharing her embarrassing situation online so others could be helped and who knows how many people she will be helping as I prefer it over the cream for night time use. It is a bit waxy feeling to use during the day so I just wash my hands with peroxide and then rub some of the albendazole cream with yeast cream on my hands during the day if I have a rash flair on my hands but when I soak them regularly in the 3% hydrogen peroxide, I haven't had that problem. I just need to keep soaking them more regularly! 

Just wanted to give you an update and share that tidbit. Another plus, is it smells like apples and I think it smells good so if you have a rash, try this. I am going to call my male neighbor that has the rash in his hair and suggest he try this for it. Soaking your hair with peroxide rags doesn't feel very good as you can't get it near your eyes and his rash moves like mine does so perhaps this will help him as well. 

Lots to be grateful for. Keep praying we can come up with a quick test for it so I can finally figure out how to cure it!


  1. Good day and God bless you all. I was doing a little reading about the Horse hair nematode and saw a video of how it drives its host to water in order to exit its body. I was wondering if anyone has tried submerging in a tub of water to see if the parasite exits there body?

    1. The larger parasites don't come to the surface in water but I believe that the smaller ones may come out of the pours in water but you would have to collect and filter the water and look at the residue under a microscope and I am not in a place to do that so they may. Not sure how to study that. Thanks for the suggestion. Have a Blessed Day!

  2. In my brief research on the Horse Hair Nematode I read that there have only been a couple of documented cases where this parasite invades humans. When it does its usually regergitated or expelled through excrement. My suggestion is this, do some research on Google a d you will come across the doctors that have done research on humans. Reach out to those doctors and tell them that your infestation has lasted years and does not go away as they have previously concluded. The best way to get the attention of Pharmaceutical companies would be through doctors doing research.

    1. Thanks for all your suggestions Robert. In researching it, the Dr. just posted that they had a patient and didn't do research or post anything they tried to treat the person. I contacted several places that do studies and none of them are interested because there isn't grant money for this parasite offered so until there is a financial stake, no scientists are interested in studying it. I appreciate you taking the time to share. Have a blessed day!
