
Thursday, August 6, 2015

Extended Family Camping - Runion Fun

I once again can't express how TIRED I am. My family had a camping reunion this week at the lake and of course we just can't seem to every have "just a relaxing vacation!" 

Princess Four was moving apartments at college this week as she finished up her summer work last Friday and needed to move back into her housing for fall semester at college before her Ambassador retreat this coming Monday. 

The Ambassador team meets to go over the year and she has to be moved in BEFORE that as she has to be able to help new move in students on "move in" day so she has to pay extra rent to get in before everyone else.

It isn't all bad in that moving in early, she gets to pick the bathroom, the cupboards, drawers in the kitchen and shelves in the fridge over the other girls. 
She also doesn't have to fret on move in day that she isn't ready for the year as it is part of her job to help others.

I thought it would take a few hours at the most with four of the girls and myself to move her. I forgot about cleaning and she didn't have room at her apartment to keep all the totes and boxes to move like her sisters apartments had so we had to make several trips.

I stayed and cleaned the old place and they were sealing the cracks in the parking lot at the new place so we couldn't park near the door the entire time we were helping her move so it took longer than usual to move her. 

We said goodbye to my family at the lake and trecked to the college, moved her, then Princess Two and Three headed home back to their cities across the state. We stayed to help Princess Four unpack and settle in. 
She hadn't thought of washing her bedding when packing up prior to us moving her so we ended up doing three loads of laundry to get her bedding all clean for the new year as I wanted all the blankets to be clean. 

This took some time and in the end, I brought all the other blankets she has and all the towels etc home to wash before she takes the suburban back to college. 
After we got her mostly moved in, we had to head back to the lake to pick up the trailer and head home. Because of the parasites, my eyes are HORRIBLE!!! I was truly scared driving at night. I hadn't driven late at night since my eye got bad a month or so back and everything was VERY blurry and scary. I will have to get some driving glasses if I can't figure out these parasites soon. I will post more about that later as it is now 2 a.m. and we got home, unpacked the food, the girls showered and now I need to shower. 

I am SO tired. We were in the sun yesterday, not sleeping well in the trailer, packing up today, hauling all her stuff to the new place, cleaning her place, hauling it all in from the trailer and now at 2, I am so sore and tired but I am also very sweaty and dirty so I will hurry and shower and pray that no one calls early in the morning!
I can't tell you how excited I am for school to start! Summer is supposed to be fun but I am truly exhausted! 

I have a high school class reunion tomorrow a long drive away and I am NOT going. I am so tired that another two days of anything sounds so overwhelming. I'll just have to wait for the next big reunion to come around.

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