
Monday, August 3, 2015

A Little Home for A Big Heart

I arrived home from camp to near 20 texts about one of my friends in my bunko group who had to move on VERY short notice. 

Two of the group went to help her on Tuesday and were asking the group to come and help on Thursday night rather than us playing bunko.

I arrived home late in the afternoon from camp, had to get Princess Four off back to her college town, Princess Five needed a school physical and I needed to be at her house at 7. 
I had a watermelon left over from camp so I offered to take that to her new house and others brought pizza and other items. I was just about to get into the shower when one of my sweet bunko members stopped by the house to help me cut up the watermelon knowing I had just gotten home from girls camp and probably needed help. 

I finally made it over to her new house and was grateful that I did make it there as I was able to help in ways I don't know that others in the group would have been able to do. 

Her sprinklers went off getting her stuff wet and I ran out to the garage to turn off the timer. I also put together a bed that was not like anything I had ever seen. It was Ikea and frankly, after figuring out how to put that together, I would NEVER buy furniture from Ikea. It was particle board revisited with supports etc. 

I also helped shift the chairs around that they couldn't fit into the house to get them in. She kept telling us to go home but she allowed a few of us to stay until we could at least get the front room put together so that when the kids arrived, they would feel like it was a home. 

With all of us working, we were able to get the beds up, covers on them, clothes in the closet, furniture organized, everything put into rooms where they went, some pictures up and as the last two of us were about to leave, her kids and parents arrived. They walked around checking things out. The younger kids seemed to be in shock somewhat but I think that at least with things put together, they could adjust and deal with the new change. 

Divorce puts families in crisis and her youngest two have never lived in any other house and went from a beautiful home to this small older home. I know she is grateful to have some place to live but I know her trials aren't over as the house she is renting is for sale. If it sells, she will have to move again and there aren't many rentals around. 

I visited with her for some time and hearing her story made me grateful that I have always had to do the yard, fix pipes, sprinklers, put in appliances and light fixtures. When my divorce happened, not much changed in my world in that way as I have always been the one to do that type of thing. She had never done any yard work or done any maintenance on her home. She feels overwhelmed with everything that she has going on. 

I went to fill the car with gas and as I was driving past her home, the lights were on and I thought, 
"a home is where the family is." It was warm and cozy looking from the outside and I realized that she will make this new place a home as she is the mom and will keep her family together no matter what. We'll keep her in our prayers and help in any way we can. Her trial did help me have gratitude for my situation. I am truly blessed.

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