
Friday, June 26, 2015

Lemonade Rice Crispy Treats and a BIG Thank You

Princess Five and I were sitting down to dinner the other night when I saw a car passing our front windows and someone was pointing at our house.

I didn't recognize the car or the person driving as it was a fast drive by and her hand was in front of her face as she was pointing. I mentioned it to Princess Five thinking it was someone for her. She went and looked out the window. She said someone was headed to the door. 

I then saw a young boy about nine running toward the door. I didn't want to scare him so I didn't go right to the door and open it before he knocked. 
The bell rang and Princess said he was running off up the street. I opened the door and he was gone but I found an envelope on the door step with two flowers taped to the front. 
I thought it was interesting that it was written to Mrs. and my name on the front. Most people who know me well wouldn't probably write that on the front since my divorce. 

The note inside was sweet saying I had been noticed doing good in the community and thanked me for my service. I had to think for a minute about what I have done in the community recently as I feel like I hardly do any service anymore as I have been feeling so tired. 
I then remembered last week when I helped a neighbor who was moving. I also help at the food bank, volunteer at the schools and have recently been doing some community health things and also help in church often so I haven't been able to figure out what the note was referring to but it is still sweet. 
There was a little paper in the card that said to "pay it forward" once I have gotten noticed. 

I had Princess Five whip up some lemonade rice crispy treats and we gave some to the neighbor who gave us some sweet peas recently and then we wrote a little "thank you" note to a woman who does a bunch of service in our community. 
Princess Five needs to get some drive time in as she will be driving on her own soon so I told her we could deliver it at night and she could get some night driving in as the woman lives in a different town. 

She was so funny trying to "sneak up" on the house. The entire family was unpacking the car for about 20 minutes. 
We visited in the car until the house went dark. Just as Princess Five was approaching the house, someone came out and got into a car, she had to hide behind another car and other stuff in the yard as they pulled out. She was so nervous that she threw the card and treat into the dark garage and ran back to the car. 
It was so funny but I worry that they drove over the items when they returned as she didn't put them at a door. 

She meant well and didn't want to take a chance on going back to put it in the right spot so hopefully they got the note and treat eventually. 

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