
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Memorial Day Video Cleanout and Game Fest

What a wonderful long weekend we had. It was so great to spent time with some of my Princesses this weekend.  
I got to play "Ticket to Ride" for the first time with the girls and we enjoyed that. We also played "settlers" which we also really enjoyed. We played both a few times with different people and then we tried a new game. It is called "Anomia." I was tired when we played, but really is that anything new? Click here for my post about "Sititus."
It is a game where you have to think quickly and blurt out something before your opponent. I couldn't even get flipping the card over in the right way or place. The girls were laughing as I kept doing it wrong. I am usually quite quick but I got myself laughing so hard I cried.

They mentioned playing the game today with Princess Four who was visiting friends the first time we played it. They commented on my laughing and I started all over again. It was so funny that I was so tired I couldn't get it. 

After that, they wanted to watch home videos. I pulled out our video "wall." Click here to view the post about that.

I got rid of two boxes full of videos and laughed as I would pull out some videos to get rid of and one of the girls would tell me to keep some. I then would ask one girl which I should get rid of and the other girls would get upset at her choice. 
I was talking to Princess One on the phone and asked if I could get rid of the "Barney" videos as a friend of the family bought the entire first season on VHS for us. She said I could get rid of all the VHS's. I said, "So I can get rid of the "Golden Book" and "Melody Magic" videos then?" "No, you can't get rid of those!" It was funny. 

In the end, I was happy with what we got rid of and I have several shelves of movies I haven't seen that once I watch them, I will most likely get rid of them. 

I also went through all the DVD's and found a few doubles and then organized them by category a bit better than they were. 

I worked on the family videos a bit as well and it was so sweet to watch Princess Five watch her birth for the first time. Not that we video taped that but had the camera on my face for the first cries etc. We they video taped the other girls holding her for the first time. It had us both crying as they were so tender with her and excited about having her as a sister. 
There was one video of Princess Four and Five doing a "lip sync" music video to a Barney song about how the two sisters may not always get along but they care about each other. We laughed and laughed and joked about them "recreating" it for us. 

We also had a wonderful Skype video chat with Grand-Princess one and her parents. She is so cute. We just sat there mesmerized with her cuteness. All in all, it was a wonderful weekend. 

And, YES we do own a TON of movies! It is the activity of choice next to games for family and friend activities. My girls LOVE theater, musicals, etc so we own LOTS! 

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