
Friday, May 8, 2015

End of the Year Ambassador Dinner - Princess Four

This year was a big one for Princess Four. She had her first year at college and was an ambassador for the college. She did an amazing job keeping her grades up and working a job as well as being an ambassador. 
She loves college and has chosen to stay and work there through the summer. She had her "end of the year" ambassador dinner last week and Princess Five and I got to be there to enjoy the meal with her. 

They always have a fun slideshow. This year was hard as the main person in charge left for a new college and then two months or so later, he recruited the second in charge to his new university.

That left the school with two new leaders that hadn't been in that position or even in one similar. For them to take over and learn how things run and make it work is fairly amazing. The recruitment is actually up so they came in and did their jobs well. Princess got to spend time with the new boss when she had the car accident posted about here.

They gave out cute little hand made mascots and awards and a group picture of the "Team" which was really nice. I am glad that I had the camera out and took these pictures of the slides as they came up of Princess Four. She was in quite a few of the pictures and because she didn't have a smart phone, I think she missed out on having those pictures. They used to give them a cd of the slide show but that was the old bosses. The new ones had a lot on their plate this year.
It was really sweet that they ordered meals that we could have that are gluten free even. 

I was sad that I missed some of the program and meal as I was trying to upgrade Princess Four to a smart phone. In the end, I have been learning LOTS about how to buy a used phone.  

I spent five hours on with the carrier's help people trying to get the phone to work. I bought a new SD card and went to a local store and then spent several hours trying to search for anything that could help online. 

In the end, I gave her the phone that I bought for myself so she could have a new phone and I ended up calling the people I purchased it from and they had already spent the money I gave them. They said I could "wait" for them to pay me back or I could give them another $50 on top of what I gave them for another phone they had that they were going to keep for a back up. 

I wasn't thrilled with the idea of the phone but figured I may never see the other money from them so I paid another $50 for the newer phone. It isn't exactly what I would have wanted but at this point, I will just be happy to have a phone that works. 

My flip phone fried when I dropped it outside this week and with the riots in the East, the sim card that was supposed to be here in two days has still not come and it has been two weeks. Now, the second sim card (actually it is the third as they sent the wrong one first) didn't come and I am leaving town. 

So, to recap. I bought a used phone with porn on it. Bought a phone that didn't work and wasted about 14 hours of my life only to find that I can't get my money back. I wait two weeks for a sim card to activate the phone I paid extra for in hopes that it will work when the sim card arrives. 
At the moment, I am using a flip phone with no contacts and my calendar is gone so I hope I don't miss anything important as there is no way to retrieve that. 

Sometimes it hurts to live in a small town!

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